These are my last words. If you read this you ripped it out of my rotten fingers - sorry for the inconvenience. At least, I won't stand up to kill you. Or so I hope. The virus might not have spread too far in my blood. If it did - again, sorry for the inconvenience. I promise: I won't be mad if you shoot me in the face (turned out to be the easiest way to "stop"... them).
I had a name, but I'm not sure, its neccessary for you to know it. You won't find it anywhere else in this facility. I had nothing to do with it . Just an simple man passing by, with the talent to be "in the wrong place at the wrong time".
Anyway, here's my advice to you: run fast, be careful and never ever! run out of ammo.
(And dont trust the plants, they are evil! Even if they don't scream and run at you like these lunatics, believe me, they are bitches).
But to cheer you up: There is a way out - I just haven't found it. Be assured: Where I lie is NO EXIT. If there was one, I would have taken it. There was a intersection, I made tossed a coin and took the right path, which lead me to this end of the facility. I should have known I was wrong when the air began to smell poisonous - and all the corpses started lining my way. You found this message. That tells me you decided wrong, too. Maybe you thought the same. Don't be to hard on you. We all make mistakes. It's part of the human nature. (or at least I hope it still is...). These "things" should be the next step, I guess from all the notes I found. An evolutionary leap. Turned out, in that leap, they lost more or less everything that was... human. Funny, first we lost everything animalistic, then we lost everything human.... seems like a pank of evolution or something. But I guess, jokes nature does are always bad, ugly or... deadly killers.
Although I'm not sure, they even know what "dead" means. I tried everything to kill them. But everytime I took one of them down, the others seem to... absorb him. His abilitys, everything he learned, everything he knew. They knew where I left the corpse, where to find me, where I was wounded. And they used it against me. Took me way too long to get it. The less they know about you and your existence, the better your chances to survive. Mine where pretty bad at the end.
One of them infected me. Now I can hear them whispering in my head. My legs twitch and my fingers move without my permission. They're trying out their new home. Me.
There isn't much time left: I have just one bullett left, I'll try to make it as comforting for you as possible.
I wish you all the luck in the universe, my friend. You will damn sure need it. If you make it out of here alive, my ship is in hangar 4, it's fueled and it's a nice old lady. I used to call here Sal', like my exwife Sally. God, I loved that woman. Her adress is under the passanger seat, please extend my greetings to her and her new husband... and kick him in the balls, please. I don't know who you are, my friend but, please, stay safe (and away from the lights, but that's pretty much the same here).
Love, Hal...

7. Farewell
Science FictionLast words are not easy to write. There is so much left to say. Words of love, words of wisdom, a word of warning.