Ch.1 Academy

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"Finally" Eren sighed , it was the day of his graduation from high school . His whole life he had been waiting for this moment , his moment . He had gotten strait A's his whole school career just for his one goal , Eren wanted to be a police officer. " You ready Eren ?" Eren's one and only friend was standing in his doorway peering in at him. "Armin ?" he sighed, "Yes

I'm ready let me get my jacket on". Eren hurried out the door for his last school day ever . " Hurry up Eren we're going to be late for Pete's sake" Armin called behind him as he ran to the high school they where attending . Armin had never been late to school and was not going to start now . " Yea yea I got it Mr.perfect" Eren answered back quite annoyed, he had bigger things to worry about rather than being late to school.

As they reached the front entrance Eren took a deep breath , he wanted to remember this day for the rest of his life . " Eren you comin ?" Armin asked "yea one sec" Eren chimed in reply. Am i ready for this ? Eren thought to himself as he made his way inside the busy high school .Like when every senior graduates at the school they receive a parent-student banquet in their honor and a graduation ceremony . " Eren are you excited ?" A cheery Armin asked the gloomy Eren . " Sure" he replied very cold and distant.

Eren was very smart , he believes he had inherited his brains and his determination from his father , his eyes, and kindness from his mother. All though he doesn't remember much he does remember her warm smile and him always being behind a book or news paper.As they where all ready to attend the banquet Eren had sat next to bright eyes Armin and Armin's mother who was just as intelligent as Armin and with eyes just as bright .

A couple years ago tragedy struck the family when Armins father had died in a car accident in the winter time. Armin does not remember his father much but his mother went into a pretty bad state. She wouldn't eat, sleep or anything. It was the scariest thing the boys had ever seen . Ever sense they try their best to make and keep her happy.

"Smile boys." Armins mother called out wanting to take our picture , cap and gown on ." Eren! that means you too." I try to smile , like I said before I hate family gatherings it brings up a past I want to forget . A past that haunts me. After the pictures ,we finish the banquet and get ready to go on the stage to receive our diplomas.

"Eren jaeger."I make my way up to give my second best in class speech with Armin who also had a speech but his was first in class.The speech was about where we wanted to go when we graduated. I made my way nervously to the microphone and cleared my throat ."Where I want to end up when I graduate is in the Titan police academy of France. I want to become a high ranked police officer and solve a case that is very important to me. I believe that I will make it through the academy and graduate top of my class. I want you all to follow your dreams no matter what and work as hard as you possibly can for them , and never let them go. Thank you."

As I had finished my speech it was Armins turn. " I ,Armin Arlert wish to also attend the Titan police academy of France in hopes to become the best detective there is. I know that with my efforts and intelligence I can go very far in this line of work. Not only will I be helping to solve cases but I will be solving them with my closest friend Eren Jaeger. I believe that if you all also follow your dreams and work your hardest , you all can do great things. Thank you."

After our reviving of diplomas along with claps and cheers from fellow class men and when Mrs.Arlert had finish with the mountains of pictures she had taken ,we had officially graduated. We could now be the people we wanted to be , pursue our dreams , live. This moment is what I have been waiting for my whole life . My chance to solve something that haunts my dreams , now is my chance , to fight.


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