Bucky and Steve helping you out on your bad day would include

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Warnings: Flufffffffff and some nakedness, that's all.

•You loved your boys just as much as they loved you. You three would always help out each other after a stressful, bad day.
•But in the initial days of dating, you were not sure if you should be too vocal about your feelings
•And hence you try really hard to not to tell them whenever you had a bad day
•whether it be because of work, family or your stupid period mood swings, you’d hide it
•but Steve and Bucky were much more intuitive than you
•Then one day, they noticed how silent you were, retreating into the room once you entered the house.
•Only for them to find you curled into a fetal position, arms wrapped around yourself onto their bed in the gloomy room. 
•You had turned off the lights, except for the fairy lights that Bucky had gifted you.
•You, on the other hand, didn’t want to cry in front of them 
•So you let those tears run down your face in the warmth of their sheets.
•It sunk their heart so much, they didn’t think twice about rushing towards you, with both of them on either side of you.
•You immediately stiffened and closed your eyes the minute you felt the warm embraces of your boys
•While Bucky slowly wrapped his arm around your hip with his face near your ear, Steve lied down beside you and looked at you with all the warmth he could muster and wiped the tears falling on your cheek 
•“Doll, what happened?” 
•“You know you can tell us anything right?”
•And that was enough to break you down to cry your heart out
•Bucky’s arm tightened around you and kept whispering “shhh, its okay baby. It's okay”
•And they waited for you patiently to get to your senses and explain what had happened
•And when you explained it was your family being mean to you, the two soldiers realized that they were useless 
•They can’t punch the hell out of your family, can they?
•But they were your boys and they always chose to be partial to you
•“Let them be baby, you got us now”
•"Cheer up doll. Next time don't hide anything to us, no matter how small it is"
•"Now smile for us please?"
•And you did, pulling the both of em into a hug
•And pecking their cheeks lovingly, instead of a cliche thank you.
•While one of them would go ahead and make you your favorite comfort food, the other would forcefully make you sit on his lap and keep you occupied
•With a story or some tickles or a few kisses here and there
•As long as you giggled and smiled, anything was okay for them.
•This time it was you sitting on Bucky's lap, who was whispering sweet nothings into your ear
•And Steve made your favorite comfort food and somehow ended up feeding you
•You felt like a child, being pampered to an extreme by your very own super soldiers. But you loved every single minute of it. Extremely grateful too.
•They’d be courteous to ask you if you wanted to do anything else
•“Watch a Disney movie maybe? Scroll through a few me-mees?”
•“It’s all okay Bucky, I like just sitting with you both” (Though you fought the urge to correct Bucky’s pronunciation of memes)
•They’d be a Gentleman if you were on your period, getting everything you wanted. Hot packs, pills, and cuddles.
•Bucky almost bought fifty kinds of chocolate, only to be stopped by Steve.
•“A few are enough buck. Y/N ain’t a vending machine”
•and god save you if you had a bad day when they were on a mission because you had no idea how to get over it without them
•You’d end up wearing their clothes the whole day, that way it felt like they were there with you.
•It deadass creepy whenever you think about it, but those two have grown over you.
•There’s something about wearing your loved one's clothes ain't it?
•But they were just a phone call away. If you were extremely lucky, then just a video call away 
•And they’d only hang up once you fall asleep.
•Sometimes you’d just want to cuddle in between them, with the lights off.
•Squished between your boys because the warmth made you so happy
•But also because Pillow Talk with your boys was a chaotic conversation of random things
•“Yanno Doll, the first time I kissed Steve, he said thank you.”
•“Oh cut some slack Bucky, I’m sure he was trying to be nice”
•“Nice people also don’t run away after kissing”
•“You did what nOW STEVE?”
•Little did you see Steve and Bucky high fiving each other stealthily
•They’d do anything to see you giggling and happy, anything.

+ Comforting Steve’s and Bucky’s Rough Days:

•Both Steve and Bucky had their fair share of rough days
•or rough nights rather
•Nightmares were a constant companion in your lovers’ life and it was because of their line of work. 
•You would never know if Steve had a nightmare because he would wake up instantly and get out of the room
•And as your relationship grew, both you and Bucky knew when Steve was out of the bed
•You both would find Steve sitting on the sofa alone, either fidgetting or sketching something rapidly
•“Hey, sweetie you okay?”
•Steve wouldn’t reply, but Bucky would ensure he did.
•While Steve finally made an attempt to talk about his nightmare, cuddling with Bucky, you would quickly stir up a cup of tea, which you knew soothed his senses
•And he’d feel better the next minute.
•“Thank you love”
•“Anything for you Cap”
•Nothing can cure a nightmare like some good tea and hugs
•But Bucky’s was the worst, dreaming of the old Winter Soldiers days where in which he was forced to hurt you and Steve (both in real life as well as in the dreams, unfortunately)
•His whimperings and unconscious sobs would wake both of you up
•And you’d slowly try to wake him up without startling him.
•“Bucky, Buck wake up for me please,”
•“It's me, Steve, wake up Bucky”
•And he would but with so much tremor and strain. It sunk both of your hearts.
• “Stevie...Y/N...”
•And he’d just lunge at the both of you simultaneously, hugging you so tightly.
•“I..thought...I k-killed you both...w-with my m-metal...”
•“Shh, don’t think about anything, baby. We’re right here beside you”
•He was like a child when he had nightmares, frightened and lost.
•And wouldn’t remember he had such a nightmare the next day when he woke up
•It is easy to lull Bucky to sleep after such episodes. Bucky would just nuzzle himself into the crook of your neck or Steve’s and would sleep off instantly
•Steve admitted that no one could handle his demons like you did
•“What would we do without you, doll?”
•“That's irrelevant. I’ll always be there and that’s all that matters.”
•When Steve and Bucky came back from a mission, they’d mostly be tired and cuddle you off to sleep
•But then one day, a mission went off awfully wrong, which made them sulk the entire day.
•And you knew what would cheer up your boys
•While they were caught in their own squabble, you decided to run a warm bath for them. 
•And that bathtub was big enough to accommodate the three of you
•They’d never agree but they loved scented candles, especially good ol’ Vanilla. Boys.
•They didn’t even notice you entering and leaving the kitchen with three glasses and a bottle of wine.
•That's how low and silent they were in spite of it all being over
•And you felt sad every time you saw them like that
•So you had to improvise.
•“Boys! Can you please come up fast?”
•They literally came running into the warm bathroom, thinking that you were in some trouble...
•Only to find you in your black silk robe, smiling. And you looked ethereal with the candlelight illuminating the room. They had their usual reaction whenever they saw you
•They froze.
•“Woah babe”
•“Y-you look”
•“Hush now. The first one to get in this bathtub gets to undo this robe of mine”
•And they obeyed, stripping off their suits right in front of you, smirking like two teenagers. (Steve won btw and placed you into the tub before getting in)
•Bucky caught ahold of you, kissing your sweet spot, whispering things not meant for everyone to hear 
•“Doll, you didn’t have to do this”
•“I’d do anything to take those frowns off your faces.”
•After sharing a passionate kiss with both your boys, Steve and Bucky raised their glasses
•“To rough days”
•“And to Y/N taking us through them”
•No matter how rough times were, you knew you three had each other, always.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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