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It was the period before lunch. Noah sat in the front of the class and I sat in the back. The teasing has gone to a minimum because everyone attention was on Caleb. Girls talked about how hot he was and the guys talked about how cool he was.  People acted like the boy was a celebrity or something.

My mind struggled to focas on what the teacher was saying. I dropped my pen on the desk and sighed in frustration. I knew that I should of been more happy that everyone is leaving me alone but I felt even more alone without Noah here.

Noah dropped a pencil on the floor. He leaned down to pick it up, our eyes met. He quickly averted his gaze and continued writing down notes like if nothing happened.

Then it dawned on me, this whole thing was my fault. Instead of actually talking to Noah I shut him down. He tried talking to me with no success, now it's my turn to fix this mess.

I knew what I had to do.


"Hey.." a familiar voice said. I looked up to see Isla with a tray of lunch in her hand. "H..hi"I respond quickly. "I hope I'm not ruining your lunch." She sat down on the grass, keeping distance between us.

I looked down at my empty hands. She followed my gaze. "Or..I mean your time"

"Your not ruining my meal at all" I picked up a blade of grass and popped it in my mouth chewing it slowly

"Oh my Goodness, get that out of your mouth" she said sternly.

Isla watched in disgust as I spit out the aftermath of the chewed up blade of grass. The taste of pesticide and grass still lingered on my taste buds."Honestly, it taste better then school lunch."

"Your gross" she joked as she handed me a water bottle. I looked up at her and grinned. "and apparently cute too" I winked at her before bringing the bottle to my mouth.

Her eyes widen at my change in character. She covered her face, something she did a lot when flustered. "Do we really need to bring that up." she groaned, her voice muffled by the fabric. I swished my mouth, and spit out the school grass flavoured water."If you want to of course."

Isla grabbed a orange off her tray and started to peel it. "Fine." She popped a orange in her mouth. "How do you feel about what happened yesterday."

"Hm" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't really care." Isla threw her hands up in the air. "And here I am thinking it's a big deal." She ate a couple more orange slices while mumbling to herself. My hands played with the grass."I have been thinking though...." She stopped her rambling and glanced at me.

I let out a deep breath "do you actually think I'm cute."She threw a orange peel at me and rolled her eyes. "Maybe.." she wispered. I widened my eyes in astonishment. "Such high standards you got there."

"That the mop of hair on your head hides your beauty" she shook her head in a disapproving manner.

I touch the ends of my hair which reached my shoulders. "Hey!" I yelled defensively. Isla smirked as she raised her hands up. "Ok, ok I get it". I ran my fingers through the straight strands."It's not just a's a sheild." I grumbled.

Isla looked up at me with a curious look in her eyes."do you want to talk about it" She spoke lowly. "I mean, it's n..not that serious." I stuttered, feeling stupid that I even brought up the topic.

I felt a warm hand grabbed my hand. "I don't care how serious it is, just talk to me" I stared into her deep brown eyes that shined against the sunlight. I shifted my gaze to our touching hands. Her mocha colored hand that relaxed on my hand gave me comfort, but I couldnt bring myself to speak.

She suddenly broke eye contact and removed her hand from mine. I immediately felt a cold wave rush over my body. "I'm sorry" mumbled, her face hid deeper in the sweater she wore.

"'s f..fine" I breathed out as I felt the tips of my ears become increasingly warm. I left my hand still on the grass, trying to keep the feeling of Isla warm, gentle hand for as long as possible.

The bell ringed signaling the end of lunch. Isla rushed to gather up her things.

"Wait" I placed my hand on her's. We froze in place, my action shocked us both. I looked into her soft brown eyes once more."I'll tell you one day, I j..just need time.." My voice cracked.

She let out a smile smile "that's okay, I'll always be here."
"P..promise?" I bit my lip embarrassed of how weak I sounded.

She interwind our hands. My pulse increased through this simple but intimate, action. A soft smile beamed over her face."I promise."

Aw such a cute little friendship, I wonder if that will last for long...

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