Shinoda Sunday Dinner

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It was Friday night, the first Friday night since school let out that Chester didn't have the girls. The way Mike had looked forward to it all week, it might as well have been the first Friday ever, since the Earth had been created. Over the course of the week between the painting date and this First Friday, he and Chester had so many conversations. Some were prudent adult conversations - sharing results of their recent STD testing, whether they wanted to use condoms, lube preferences - and others were silly, teenage cooing and wooing. Laughing over the way Chester had to convince Talinda to take Lucy for the weekend. Discussing whether Chester should even bother packing a bag to stay the weekend at Mike's, since they planned to be naked the entire time. Sharing thoughts they'd had about each other since that parent-teacher conference, so many months ago.

Now they were together, finally, dinner plans having been abandoned before Chester had even dropped the girls and the Pomeranian off at Talinda's. All it took was a few quick texts for Mike to say, no, he wasn't really hungry, and for Chester to tell Mike he wasn't hungry for food. Their well-thought out plan to meet for dinner first so they didn't waste any time changed to meeting at Mike's house, and neither of them observed the speed limit as they drove to each other.

Chester's red Mustang was already in Mike's driveway when he pulled in, uncharacteristically leaving his car out in the open instead of putting it in the garage. His boyfriend was out of the car and opening his door before Mike could even grab his phone and wallet from the console.

"Sorry I'm late," Mike said breathlessly, pulling himself up out of the car and stuffing his phone into his front pocket.

"No apologies," Chester answered, shutting the door and pulling Mike into a kiss that melted his entire body, right there in the driveway between their cars. "Enough talking about it, get me inside before I lay you across the hood of this car in front of your neighbors."

They scrambled up the sidewalk together, Mike nearly dropping his keys in his haste to get the door open. Chester's hands were all over him from behind, touching up under his shirt as he pulled Mike's hips close to him. "I've been wanting you from the moment I saw you," Chester nearly growled as they stumbled into the foyer of the townhome.

Mike didn't bother to turn on the light. This was it. No holding back now. They'd crossed everything off their list of things stopping them from climbing into bed together. They were both absolutely sure that this relationship was what they wanted. Mike turned under Chester's greedy hands and caught his boyfriend's lips, their kiss hot and demanding with all the restraint stripped away.

There was a muffled thump as Chester dropped his bag and backed Mike up against the wall, pressing his hips forward roughly, his already present erection grinding into Mike and causing the lowest, most beautiful moan he'd ever heard. "Yesss," he whispered, reaching up to feel Mike's jawline, pecking kiss after kiss to the underside. "No more waiting, Mikey."

This time, Mike did drop his keys, along with his wallet, so he could shove his hands deep in the back pockets of Chester's dark jeans. "Let's go upstairs," Mike gasped, his head hitting the wall behind them as he leaned back to give Chester more room. He pulled Chester up against him and both men groaned.

"Shoes off," Chester reminded Mike, his words hot in Mike's ear.

They both grumbled in unison as they let go of each other and started grappling with their shoes in the dark. "Okay, mine are off," Mike said urgently, feeling for Chester in front of him. His hands connected with the top of Chester's head, his fingers slipping through the brown curls as he petted over them.

Chester paused, knowing his face was right at Mike's crotch. Upstairs. We're going upstairs. We can't do this in the foyer, don't press your face to his cock. Don't do it. He leaned forward, barely bumping Mike's crotch with his nose.

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