Beaver Hollow

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Molly ratted us out. Dutch broke her heart so she told the law about us.

Explains how they found us so easily, I guess. Love does strange things to us all, even stranger than hate.

She turned up, drunk and mouthy and told us all this. She was so pathetic I wanted to spare her, but Miss Grimshaw put a bullet in her anyway.

Guess it was right. Guess there weren't much of a choice.

This was in our new camp, high in some nasty country, badlands or as bad as we can find this far to the east.

The place we are holed up used to belong to a bunch of murderers.
The Murfrees, or some nonsense like that, they call themselves.

We shot some of them, but there's more lurking in the woods around this place. Don't think we have long here before the law or the Pinkertons find us again.
I just hope we can keep ahead of them for a while or ahead of ourselves.

Found yet another body. Some maniac is killing these people for sport. Guess I'm going to go pay him or her a visit.

Found the murderer. Man named Edmund Lowry. Took him into the sheriff in Valentine after he nearly killed me. He jumped the sheriff. I killed him. Nasty bastard he was.

Met a one-legged man, war veteran, interesting fella. Said to come by his cabin on the other side of O'Creagh's Run. Maybe I will.

Sadie Adler and I rescued Marston from prison, where he was awaiting hanging. Spied on them in a balloon, an event which was amazing and awful and I thought would kill me quicker than this illness.
Later, Sadie and I rescued him, while getting shot at. I did it for Abigail, of course, in her own way, the finest woman I know, but also for Jack and I guess Marston himself.
I kind of like him.

We've argued over the years, but I've grown to care a little for him. He's less of a fool than he was, and maybe, he can have the luck that has eluded me. Jack is an innocent little boy. In him, I see what I missed. We did it, Mrs. Adler and me, and then got attacked by Dutch. I went behind his back, sure and he never likes that, but I suppose the years of blind loyalty is at an end. Loyal, yes, but not blind. Not until he opens his eyes as to the hell we are in, and who his friends really are. Micah, I NO LONGER TRUST whatsoever. Nor do I trust half of them, nor myself. Whole thing is a mess and I cannot think clearly.

Went to see the fella, Hamish Sinclair. He's quite a sportsman and outdoorsman. Went fishing for pike. Got him in the end. Wants to take me hunting. Hamish, not the pike.

Thought this old trading post in Roanoke Ridge was kind of interesting.

Saw that Downes kid being beaten up, so helped him. Maybe I shouldn't have killed his poor father if I cared so goddamn much? What a conflicted fool I've become, or have always been. Then I tried to rescue his mother, who was in the process of getting herself murdered.
Maybe she wanted that. I don't know. She looked at me like I am what I am. A killer seeking out salvation. Only I'm not. I don't want saving. I don't deserve it. I just want to help a few folk. And sure as shit I owe her. Felt like a fraud and a fool but at least I did something.

Dutch in his infinite wisdom decided to shoot Leviticus Cornwall.

Now, I'm not saying Cornwall did not need shooting, but I don't think it was quite our place to act as his judge and executioner. Micah and Dutch seem to be planning something. Seems like what they both want most of all is all of us dead.

Hamish and I got to chatting. Then we went hunting this wolf he'd been after - only we suddenly realized the bastards were hunting us, not the reverse. Eventually, I got the pack leader and they let us be. A real lucky escape. Pelt nice, though.

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