Life is full of Moments

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Welcome to my first post! I just want to write first on why I called this Only Moments. Life is full of ups and downs, happy and sad moments, and in the end of it all their moments other good or bad. It's what we learn or gain from them that matters. For me there has been a lot of sadness, confusion, disappointment, and joy in the past year. I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar 2, which was a weird ride for my family more than me, I lost quite a few people, but was able to gain more friends, and even have come to some realizations. I in the past lived what a lot would call a very sheltered life, and have only recently become independent and hav learned so much more about the real world. I have had to make more decisions for myself then I have ever made in my entire life. Luckily I have a wonderful partner who has been very patient with me, and a loving family as well. This is a place for me to express my thoughts on all topics, and I how this will be a place for you all too as well. There has been a lot of things happening to everyone. This will be a safe place to post thoughts on the topics we discuss and please don't post hurtful comments. 

The post topic for today is being Independent. For the first time in my life I am adulting BY MYSELF. I am currently moving into a new place, just had my car die on me (it was about time too because it had 300,000 miles but still sucks,) and paying most of my bills. I currently have some kind of health issue that doctors cannot figure out (and has been going on for 3 months and have seen around 6 different doctors if I include doctors at an ER.) So life has been fun and stressful. Then to top it off I think Im going into a depressive episode which would make sense due to the stress. 

Becoming  Independent is not EASY, but can be worth it. Your choice to become independent can be for all kind of reasons, wether it be family, it's time, or even just to figure yourself out. I have a friend who had to make one of the toughest decisions of her life to stand up to an abusive parent that wouldn't stop trying to take over her life. While parents can want the best for you, there is a difference between advisement and abuse. Her mother was getting to the point of where she would call her stupid, useless, tell her that she could never make it on her own and other words I won't go further into. She finally had to tell her mother that she was not going to come home and had to move out. It took her a long time to get back on her feet financially and mentally due to the abuse she had suffered for years. Her mother was manipulative, and tried every possible thing she could do to get her daughter to come home under her supervision and control. This is where I advised her that it was time for her to move out, but she was so scarred due to medical and financially reasoning that she may have to go back. Which were two valid reasons to go back, but she made the choice to stay. It was a long road for her. There were days where she didn't have the strength together out of bed sometimes and even leave her room. Now she has two jobs, supporting herself, paying for her doctors appointments, and taking control of her life. She had to become INDEPENDENT to finally become happy within her life. There are still days where she has moments where she wants to go back, but she knows its worth it for the happiness she has been able to feel now that she is away from the poisonous relationship. 

One of my best friends was actually in a similar boat. Her home life was horrible, between an oblivious mother and abusive step father there was very little support she had in life. During high school is when she and her mother finally began to have an actual stable relationship, but my best friend had discovered that she had began to like girls. Her mother constantly would talk about how being gay was nasty and was one of the greatest sin. She tried to hide who she was so hard for years, but she met a wonderful partner. Which was about the time that her mother discovered that she was gay. When her mother found out she told her that she couldn't go home and my friend and her partner made the best of it for a night. Then her mother took the money in her savings account and put all of it into an apartment in town. They had it rough, but now they are engaged, they are renting a 2 bedroom house with two cats, and is a manager at a local store. Through her independence she found herself, found love, and found happiness.

I am definitely not in the same boat, and was lucky enough to have very good parents who are very protective. Like every family though we have our issues, but we work it out. My parents want the best for me, but they also lived in another time, where the economy was way better and life was a little easier financially. I remember hearing when I was younger how my father lived in the ghetto with his sisters. He and his friends would save up a 5-10 cents and one of them would pay to get in the movie theater to get in and then help the others sneak in the back. Then they would stay and watch movies all day long. Just a simple example of the way times have changed. Now even to go to college you can spend thousands of dollars a semester compared to a few hundred. Times have changed but they do have wisdom and knowledge more than many of us, but we do have to acknowledge that due to the way things rapidly change that they do not know everything. 

Independence doesn't have to be turning your back on poisonous relationships or over protective parents, but it can bring happiness. By becoming Independent we can learn to become ourselves and find our own happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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