Sometimes when I speak, when I walk into a room, when I start a small task I feel a chill and know that you're still there. Watching me. I used to find comfort in it, I used to feel safe with you around. But now I know that you weren't with me to comfort me, to protect me. You have, and always have, been around to use me. To exploit me for your own gain. What was I to you? A type of thing you could just unload all of your emotions and thoughts into and somehow you would feel better?
I am done being your own personal landfill; because that's all you are to me, garbage. Trash.
I used to admire you, to crave your affection. But the thought of you has turned sour in my mind, and there it no longer any room for you in my life.
Though, I will admit that I miss you. Well, not you exactly, Ghost, because I have already stated how much my feelings have changed towards you. Ghost, I miss the way you made me feel. I miss how the songs we listened to are lost to me now. I miss how much a simple cup of apple cinnamon tea reminded me of you in a most pleasent way.
But a shadow has fallen over these memories. A a ghost to me is all you are.I don't seek to replace you anymore. I don't wish to be next to you anymore. I don't want you voice to be on the other end of a phonecall anymore. I don't wait for your texts anymore.
I have found someone willing to try and treat me better, and Ghost, it is myself.C.
Dear, Ghost
ParanormalHave you ever felt like someone was watching? Like there was a presence in the room, a drifting soul, perhaps? What would you say to them if you could? This is my own personal series of letters to my own personal ghost, whose haunting has been noth...