Bottle sprung to her feet at the mention of a crab.
"Hee hee, I wanna go meet the crab!" she cheered, skipping over to where the ruckus was happening.
"No, Bottle, stay here-- and she's gone." Tree groaned.
A few other people were running to assist in the re-capturing, too- Blocky, Bracelety, Leafy, and two kids from the other side.
"What kind of kid brings a live crab into school?" Liy muttered from beside Tree.
"I don't know. The kids from the other school seem... like an interesting bunch."
"You could say that again."
"Alright! Leafy, you go right. Bracelety, you take left. I'll stay here and capture it if it comes over." Blocky commanded, signaling where to go. He stood at the door to the auditorium, and watched as Leafy, Bracelety, and the two kids from the other school looked for the crab. The rest of the kids watched and cheered them on loudly.
Bottle raced over to Blocky.
"Where do I go?" she asked cheerfully.
"Oh, uh, Bottle, hm..." Blocky thought for a second.
Before he could say anything, a scream erupted from one of the crab-chasers.
"There he is!!!" shouted one of the kids from the rival school. Instantly, all 6 kids raced towards the source of the scream. The rest of the audience's screams got 10 times louder. MePhone and the Announcer tried desperately to regain control, but it was no use.
"Guys! Settle down!" MePhone screamed into his microphone. No one listened.
"Everyone sit, we'll take care of this!" Announcer tried to make his voice heard, but he was easily drowned out by the roughly 100 kids hooting about the crab.
Four's oh-fuck-you-did-it-now voice rang out, and he sent a bolt of electricity from his hand up to the ceiling. The auditorium hushed instantly, and the crab-chasers stopped moving. The tension in the room was palpable as Four stood up from where they were standing. They descended the steps down off the stage and picked up Baxter, who had been scuttling around the base of the stairs.
The teacher walked over to Paintbrush, holding the crab carefully.
"I believe this is yours," they said stiffly.
"Oh, um, it's NOT," Paintbrush responded, flashing a glance at Lightbulb, "but thank you for catching him."
Four didn't reply. Instead, they glared at the crab-chasers. Catching the hint, they all dejectedly returned to their seats.
"That guy's scary," Lightbulb breathed as Paintbrush sat down next to her. They returned Baxter to her.
"Whatever, I don't really care. Just don't slip Baxter into my hood again. They thought he was mine," Paintbrush whispered.
"Well, now that order's been restored," MePhone began, sounding tired, "we'll be sending packets and emails home with you about the change. Hopefully you all can adjust to it quickly."
"Next up on the agenda, we've come up with a small activity to help you guys make friends and to show the new kids around. We've made random groups combining both schools. The kids from my school will give tours to the kids of the other school. You'll be accompanied by a teacher to make sure no silly business takes place," the Announcer said.
"Oh, Christ," Pencil muttered to herself.
"Ew! I don't want to give tours to anyone, what do I look like?" Match muttered indignantly.
School Days (ii/bfdi crossover)
Fanfictionan inanimate insanity/battle for dream island crossover human high school au. two schools are merging, and it goes about as well as you'd expect. which is to say not good. discontinued due to a lack of interest and bad experiences in the fandom. re...