The High-Rule And His Destiny

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In his chambers he sat on his bed, a crown and a staff situated upon it. In his rage, he snapped the staff into two.


Abraxas, a demon of the Underworld, had informed Zyne.

What were Canis' true intentions?

Instead of a clear answer at first, Abraxas shared with him his thoughts, rather than one true answer.

"It is for the greater good of our King."

"I don't know if I want to leave anymore. If I could, would I take the chance?"

Zyne thought, if Abraxas were given the chance, he really would leave. He needed to be separated from Canis.

"Canis knows where it hurts and where it doesn't. I think I'm okay, but there he is again."

"The road home held nothing better than what Canis offered me."

It's like a twisted yearning.

"Sometimes I do wonder if Canis has ever loved me. Has he ever loved anyone?"

"I can't leave. I can't ever leave."

Canis' relationship with those of the Underworld was different, but it was not too far off from what Abraxas described.

Canis has a weak point - his forged alliance with most of the inhabitants of the Underworld - more or so, the demons feel obligated to serve Canis.

There's a "lock" or "mark" linked to Canis, a prisoner explained to Zyne. It signified his grip on one's soul; bad things would happen if they didn't do what he wanted. Ultimately, the "lock" or "mark" was metaphorical.

It was a foul attempt at leadership.

Canis had to die.


I visited Canis' chambers, to confront him, to get the answer myself.

"Why did you kill me?" It was straightforward.

Canis prepared two glasses of alcohol; Zyne declined the offer.

"To bring you HOME, where you belong - you don't mind?"

Canis leisurely sipped his drink. The ice cubes dipped in the colorless liquid.

"Stop screwing around. Why am I really here?"

"So he finally sees," Canis announced.

Zyne glared at Canis, his eyes narrowed.

"Your mother died. Do you know why? She killed herself," he continued, "but it was no suicide. She signed off on a contract. And here you are, the High-Rule."

Hand over Zephrite, and I will give you all that you desire.

"Why would my mother do that?" Zyne riddled. An indescribable anger, fueled by his newfound hatred, grew to be immense.

"She wanted nothing more than to die. Why, I'll never know."

Canis rattled on. "And in the end, you would kill me, just like the prophecy foretold."

With one swift movement of Zyne's hand, Canis was slammed into the wall, along with the contents of his liquor cabinet.

Zyne's scarred hand had formed into monstrous claws, the texture of jagged, pertruding rock. With his hand he scratched Canis' face, velvet blood pouring out from the cuts. Canis only bellowed before laughing it off, like it was a joke.

Zyne exited the chambers.


One day, I thought I might visit Keanu. I wouldn't reveal myself.

It feels like... there's a piece missing.

I can't see.

I went to check up on Keanu.

He couldn't see me - Rennug, our dog, could. I held Keanu for awhile.

Keanu was drinking more.

I was unhappy. For what I was unhappy for, I did not know. I did not understand.

I was hurting. Why? I didn't fully understand it.

Keanu was the only thing that truly made me feel as if I had a home, after so long without one. There were once others like Keanu. But none of those relationships provoked such feelings, they never treated me in such a way. With him, there were no obligations, no expectations. We didn't have to be anything.

Was I lovesick? No. Love doesn't sicken you. But I knew that it hurt.

Keanu made everything ok. I did understand, finally. I loved Keanu.

I stopped sulking, and I thought I should do something about it.

I looked inside Keanu's heart locket for a moment.

I thought about Canis again.

I flexed my scarred arm and hand. I carried myself, exiting the chambers.

I was lost for years. Now I knew that I wasn't anymore. And just like that, I knew that I found my true purpose.

Zyne did understand.

Zyne: The High-Rule [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now