Chapter 1

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Henry Cheng was the bane of Blue Sargent's existence, which didn't help the fact that he was her best friend. They were currently sitting in the back corner of Nino's Pizza, waiting for the third member of their friend group to show up. Adam Parrish was not normally late to anything, but more recently he'd been losing track of time attempting to study for a psychology exam Blue already knew he was going to pass.

"You know," Henry said, his finger tracing the top of his water cup. "I think you'll find your soulmate and won't be able to keep your hands off of him."

"Soulmates don't exist." Blue said, barely listening to Henry as she watched out the window for Adam.

"Of course they do! Look at Adam, he's happy with his new boyfriend, and they have matching soul marks."

"And I'm happy for them," Blue said, looking at Henry with a raised eyebrow. "But I'm not going to let some stupid mark tell me who to love. If I fall in love with some cute girl with a different soul mark than me, then at least I'm happy, Henry."

"But what if you do fall in love with someone with the same soul mark?"

"Then I've made a terrible mistake, and you can rub it in my face for the rest of my life." Blue laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

Blue and Henry looked up to see Adam standing at their table, his scarf wrapped tightly around his neck and snowflakes melting into his sandy hair.

"I don't know if we'll ever be able to forgive you." Henry said, sighing dramatically as Blue scooted down the bench to make room. "I mean, my heart's broken and it's been causing me so much stress being worried about you all day and night, right Blue?"

"Sure." Blue said, pausing for a moment to brush some of the flakes out of Adam's hair. "Studying?"


"Making out?!" Henry gasped, whipping around in his seat to look at the rest of the pizza place. "Where is he?"

"Not!" Adam said loudly, grabbing Henry's arm. "Here..."

"So which one is he?" Blue asked, her eyes scanning over the other customers.
Henry tried once again to turn and look, but Blue shook her head as she slowly pulled her phone out and winked.

"I'm not sure if I want to answer that." Adam said, his face slowly turning pinker.

Blue's eyes rested on a tall man with a bad attitude and shaved head that was looking back in their direction, laughing as him and Adam stared at each other. Blue took a photo of him, snapping both out of their gazes as they stared at her.

"It- It's rude to take photos of strangers." Adam muttered.

"It's rude to not introduce us to your boyfriend." Blue said, sending the photo into the group chat. "I won't embarrass you. I make no promises about Henry, though."

She pushed at Adam's side until he moved, then walked straight for the other table.

"Adam's boyfriend, Blue. That's Henry." She smiled, holding her hand out to him. The man simply stared at her in shock for a moment until another man next to him shook her hand for him.

"This is Ronan. I'm Gansey," He smiled, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses before tilting his head across their table at a blond boy. "Noah."

"Nice to meet you." Blue smiled, letting go of his hand and turning back to where Adam and Henry were watching. "I'd invite you to sit with us, but I don't think our booth can fit more than four people."

"That's fine," Gansey said, "We were planning on getting our pizza to-go, anyways."

Blue nodded before waving her hand slightly, Gansey mimicking her action like a mirror with his left hand. On which, a small tattoo was imprinted onto his wrist - a soul mark, if you believed in them - and a direct copy of one of Blue's own wrist. Turning back to Adam and Henry, her brow furrowed as she crossed the restaurant again and instead sat next to Henry, her back facing away from the three boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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