Break up Pt. 2

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As the bell rang for the next period of class, we see a group of students near the entrance of the gymnasium. They were just laying around on the steps, smoking, or just on their phones. This group consisted of 3 girls and 2 guys, all dressed in rather provocative clothing. 

And one of these girls is the leader of this group, and she is known as Christina. She is dressed in short shorts that reached only to her thighs, a shirt that showed her toned belly and showed her breasts more than what was necessary.

She was just smiling at her most recent deceptive relationship with a certain brown haired boy. She tried to recall what his name was, but she didn't really care as she got what she wanted: to ruin his life and to get what she wanted from him. 

This wasn't the first time she has done this. In fact, this isn't the first University she attended. She has attended 5 other Universities. She has deceived multiple students like Pit to date her, only to break their heart in the end. The reason why she left was because her mom wanted them to move to another school before her actions go on her permanent record and to hide her grades from what they actually are.

Christina's mom gladly supports her daughters deception as she's the one who taught her daughter those skills in the first place. And she heard that this university is very successful, and she wanted her daughter to find a student who has a lot of influence in something.

And Pit's mother, Palutena, has a lot of influence in the political world. 

She is the mayor of the town in which the University is in. And she always wants what's best for Pit, so she sent him to the University which she attended when she was younger. Pit was secluded kid for most of his childhood, but he showed the skills of a skilled student.

Christina just smirked at Pit's naïveté. He was so innocent, he would try to make friends with anyone he saw. And that him a perfect target.

Girl 1: "Hey Christina, what're you smirking about?"

Christina just looked back at her and replied.

Christina: "Just at my most recent score."

Guy 1: "You meant he kid who is obsessed with angels?"

Christina: "The same one."

Girl 2: "Why did you break up with him in the first place? You should've kept going."

Christina just shrugged.

Christina: "Just couldn't stand his goody-two-shoes attitude."

Guy 2: "So who're you going to target now?"

Christina: "Still the little twerp."

Everyone: "But I thought you said-"

Christina: "I know what I said, but his so called mother doesn't realize we broke up yet. I can still get the rewards of her power."

Girl 1: "Oh you sneaky vixen."

???: "I'd say she's more of a bitch."

Everyone just looked towards the voice and saw the resident trouble maker of the school, Bayonetta. They didn't realize how long she stood there, but they didn't care and wanted to continue their conversation. But before they looked away, they saw how angry she was. Fists balled up and her arms were shaking, she was pissed.

Christina however wasn't afraid of Bayonetta and just scoffed.

Christina: "That's real funny coming from a student who causes more trouble than a child."

The other group members laughed nervously at Christina's quip, but they were still looking at Bayonetta.

Bayonetta just grit her teeth in anger and just glared at Christina.

Bayonetta: "Do you care for the people you break up with or do you love the thrill of breaking other's hearts?"

Christina just gasped and put her hand on her chest in exaggerated shock.

Christina: "Why Bayonetta, how dare you assume the worst of me! I do feel sympathy for my exes."

Bayonetta just grinned evilly, and took out her phone. She then pressed a button on her phone.

"I know what I said, but his so called mother doesn't realize we broke up yet. I can still get the rewards of her power."

Christina just dropped her facade and just stared in fear at the phone in Bayonetta's hand. In fact everyone in the group did. That recording was only of Christina, but Bayonetta could have more evidence on them as well.

Bayonetta: "Surprised?"

No one dared to speak.

Bayonetta: "Now... what would happen if these recordings were to go to the headmasters? I'd imagine the headmasters would be very disappointed. Especially if they know a certain green haired mayor."

That was when Christina officially freaked out. If those recordings reached the mayor, she and her mom were screwed. 

Christina: "GET THAT PHONE!"

The two boys charged towards Bayonetta with violent intent.

But Bayonetta was a step ahead of them.

She just sidestepped out of the way of the boys before giving a swift round house kick to the boy closest to her, knocking them out. The other boy just charged again, reeling back for a punch. As he threw that punch, Bayonetta caught it. 

It want this moment he knew... he fucked up.


The other two girls just ran in fear, leaving Christina behind to deal with Bayonetta.

Christina: "HEY, Get back here!!!"

Then a punch sent her to the floor, breaking her nose and giving her a black eye in the process. She tried to crawl away from Bayonetta, but Bayonetta just walked up to the crawling "Bitch" and stepped on her back.

She lowered herself before grabbing Christina's Hair. Christina just looked at Bayonetta in fear and started to cry.

Christina: "I-I-I'm sorry! I can give you anything you want!"

Bayonetta pulled her hair violently, causing Christina to yell in pain. Bayonetta just lowered her head towards Christina's ear and spoke.

Bayonetta: "I want you to leave Pit alone and to leave this University for good. Pit is too good for you and he doesn't deserve false love from a bitch like you. So either you leave or your chances of getting a successful job is ruined. Got that?!"

Christina's only reply was a sniff and a nod.

Bayonetta: "Good."

She let go of Christina's hair and walked back inside the school, not even looking back at the crawling mess.

Said crawling mess got up while grunting in pain. You would think she would listen and just leave the university, but she didn't. In fact she's going to do the opposite of what Bayonetta wanted.

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