Chapter 3

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(Sorry it took just forever to update i have a lot of school work for my honors classes and i have PSAT's and its just hell trying to balance it all and keep straight A's so here it is leave any suggestions for things for these two to do in the comments and yes there is more smutt in this chapter as well as feels enjoy) 

        I whimper as I’m blind folded. “WHAT’S GOING ON? WHO ARE YOU!?” It comes out half scream half moan because the man is sucking on my neck and roughly bucking against me. I feel so dirty. I’m tied to something. I have no use of my arms or legs. “Don’t you recognize me baby? Oh, yeah the blind fold.” He pulls of the blind fold. I don’t recognize the man in front of me. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in my entire life.

            My lip is abused, swollen, and trembling. “N-no I don’t think I know yo-” He slaps me and I yelp. I start sobbing. “How could you say that my love. You have to know me. Take a good long look.” He stands back and I look at him in the light. He has messy dark brown hair. He is a little shorter than me. His eyes are a dark blue-green. I did recognize him. He works at the surf shop next to mine. He’s been following me around for the past week.

             I’ve only talked to him once before and he seemed a little off. I thought it was just me being to judgmental, but no this man is absolutely bat shit crazy. “I-I think I-I AH!” He roughly bits my neck again continuing to grind against me. “Tell me your mine.” He says simply. “I-I-I’m” “TELL ME!!” He screams. “I-I-I’M YOURS!” I sob. “Oh come on don’t act like you’re not hard.” He says calmly.

            I can’t stop sobbing as he unzips my pants. I know I’m not getting out of here, so all I do is hang there and sob. He slips off my jeans and boxers, then his own. With no preparation he slams in to me.

            “Babe.” He says his voice full of concern. “BABE.” It sounds more urgent. I wake up sobbing. Alex is holding me. “Casey what’s wrong?” He asks but I can’t answer. I sob into his shoulder. He pulls me into his lap and I cry into the curve of his neck. He softly runs his hand through my hair whispering something I can’t make out into my ear.

            He’s trying to calm me down but what he doesn’t realize is that just being here in his arms is calming me. My problem is I want to stay here like this forever. Until that memory is gone and that crazy fuck is gone forever. “Case what was your dream about?” He coos. Case I love that nickname. It’s so sweet. He started calling me that I month or so ago whenever I was upset. I smile.

            “Ok now that’s more like what I want to see.” He says quietly. I look up at his face. I panic when I see he’s crying too. “No, no, no not you too you’re the strong one here. At least one of us has to be emotionally stable.” I straddle him and throw my arms around his neck. I hold him as tight as I can, and he does the same to me. “I-I know Case but I hate seeing you that upset.” “I’m s-sorry.” I continue to cry unable to control myself.

            After a few more moments of silence, he speaks again. “Your dream was it what I think it was?” I nob. “Oh, case I’m so sorry I should have neverbroughtitupit’sallmyfault!” He said quickly. “No, no baby it’s not your fault. I-I-” “You what?” “I’ve been having dreams about it a lot lately…” I get scared when he pulls back to look at me. “W-why didn’t you tell me? You shouldn’t have to suffer through that alone.”

            I know I should have told him but I couldn’t will myself to tell him about my problems. My past boyfriends didn’t want to hear it and thought I was stupid for thinking they would. To them I was just a piece of ass there for them to use whenever they wanted. I should have never dated them to begin with.

Can't You Tell (Boy x Boy) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now