1. Where it all begins

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Year 2003, Somewhere in Arkansas


Aiden and Fabien were walking around somewhere in the forest, when they found a meadow.- Oh, look, maybe we'll find one of those fox holes like on the field!- Fabien screamed. -Yeah, just wait for me a bit you slim moron!-Aiden responded to him, a bit tired, because Fabien is running in marathons, so he doesn't get tired easily. Fabien stopped and when Aiden approached him, he didn't see just a fox hole.

-A cave? Out here? Wow, we must have quite a luck finding it.- Aiden said, amazed by their discovery.-Yeah, let's check this out then! Who knows what can we find, if we already found a cave!-said Fabien, amazed even more than Aiden.- Woah, woah ,woah! You wanna go down there? As you said yourself, we don't know what could be down there.- Oh come on, what could we find? A bear? A pack of wolves? A dragon maybe?- Fabien laughed, clearly amused by Aiden's attitude to the cave, which he was pretty serious about.

They stepped down, of course, Fabien was leading as Aiden was tired already after running around behind Fabien. And then Fabien stopped.- Sweet. Mother. of God. Aiden come see this right now!- Aiden ran up to him, with using the rest of his energy.- Oh crap, that is beautiful!-Aiden got amazed even more now, after seeing a great, underground hall filled with sky blue and violet crystals on the walls, the ceiling and the surface.- You go down- Fabien said quickly and didn't even let Aiden say the word "What?"-Ahh what the hell, you moron?!-Aiden got irritated -Oh, stop crying little girl, come on, go find out what is down there! I'll wait here, so i can get you out if shit goes down! Come on! Go!- Fabien screamed out so loud, that probably if anything lived there, it heard it.

Aiden, had no choice, he went down the stairs formed by rocks and some strange, shining, but still dark stones. "Oh, I'm going to teach you a lesson when I get out, Fabien, IF I get out" said to himself in his mind in both rage and fear. After getting down, he standed in front of another corridor leading to an unkown part of the cave.- I guess I don't really have a choice.- Said and started to walk into the corridor. Then he thought life just fleed from him, he heard something slamming enormously loudly just behind his back." Oh shit, oh shit oh shit oh shitohshitohshit! Alright, calm down Aiden, you'll have your retribution when you'll go back up!" Calming himself down helped a little, and he started walking on knowing, that he can't go back after all.

When he at last, got out of the corridor, this time he almost literally got a heart attack, as he saw it "Dear God, have i just found Atlantis or something?" He approached the temple and then something blasted in front of him so brightly he thought he went blind. after getting back to the state of being able to see things, he realized he would rather be blind now. A shining ghost started to charge on him with a lance shining even brighter than the ghost. He just covered his eyes, thinking "Well, looks like it's the end." But then he heard a noise similar to a breaking glass. He opened his eyes , to see how the ghost looked at the lance falling on the ground in millions of little shards.- I-i-impossible. Nobody can break the spear of Lamh. You-you are the Chosen! Thank the Qharag Vis! Every chief had this mission, yet i'm one of the two that accomplished it! What is your name, Chosen?- Said the ghost, visibly delighted with Aiden's presence.- What the... What is this place? Who are you?- Aiden said, feeling amazed, afraid, angry and confused at the same time.- Hmm, i understand you, Chosen. it's not quite typical, that you go into the cave, find a temple of an ancient tribe and being blessed like a god. My name is Qharag Doh, the chief and the last one of the great Qharag tribe, i'm dead for 400000 years now yet i've been granted an immortal soul to complete my tribe's task, and i just accomplished it. -My name is Aiden, can you explain, why am I the Chosen?- It's a long story, you will have to learn it over time, but now, i think you are ready. Here, wear this ring, after wearing it once, you will have the power of the First Ones even if you take the ring down, yet it's an archive of all the generations of our noble tribe. The greatest tribe. The most powerful tribe. And the blessed tribe. But as i said, some things, you will have to learn by the time. My soul is connected to the ring, so I will direct the tasks of the First Ones to you, just wear the ring, and i will be summoned. Here, wear it.- Qharag stopped speaking and gave the ring to Aiden, then Aiden put it on his finger. He felt it, the power of all generations running through his veins, brightness of the mind, and then he started to see a powerful light, bloody battles, intrigues, murders, everything that happened in the tribe for the last 4 million years. He woke up, with Qharag Doh standing in front of him.- There is one more thing. Nobody can know about your powers, and i already have the task for you. The Chosen are always a couple, which means there's a second, female Chosen, you have to find her.- Qharag said and disappeared.

Aiden came back up to Fabien, and when they got out of there Fabien obviously asked- What happened there, i heard something, and you looked like a thunder hit you.- Fabien said, and Aiden started to explain that to him, and when he finished explaining, he had a retrospection of what did Qharag say. after he got his consciousness, he saw a great root rise out of the ground, grabbing Fabien, then two enormous rocks started to mash him, but they eventually stopped, and dropped Fabien on the ground. When they thought it's the end, the great root smashed Fabien into the ground. Aiden ran away as fast as he could "I have to tell somebody, no, no I cannot! I just have to run now" and when he approached the living area he slowed down so nobody would suspect him of something. Except he was looking like after running in a marathon.


Hey people! it's my first story here and also english isn't my primary language. Feel free to correct me in the comments, and thanks for reading!

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