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Ah another day in the circus The dark sky Father Sun Watching everybody From the sky G0z and Yukc0 Having lunch Together-- wait How did that happen?

Well The next day They bummed into each other While P0tat0_Q was Asking Yukc0 a million questions about the date Since Z00zy Told her And yea but she went away when they bummed into G0z.
G0z asked Yukc0 if he wanted to have Lunch together and Of course Yukc0 Agreed.

For Lunch G0z was Having Tacosss (cause we all Know he Loves tacos AY TACO BELL SPONSOR MY BOI)

And Yukc0 was Having a Sandwich with potato chips

Once the two Clowns finshed up G0z told yukc0 "Alrighty Yukc0 go get Ready!" "for what?" "Mrflimflam is Coming!" "agh Happy feet coming I thought He was dead" "Nope hes Still alive! Now go get Ready :o)" G0z then walked off As Yukc0 mumbled to him self
Btw He mumbled bad words)
After 2 Hours Of G0z Hanging out With Flamingo/Albert Around  the circus He left
Yukc0 was Happy That Flamingo/Albert Left As we all Know Yukc0 dosent Like Flamingo/Albert not sure why...
Once Yukc0 Was Done talking to G0z he walked off to his part of the circus The arcade as he was making his Way To the arcade he Found a Note on the ground he Picked it up and it said

"Leave G0z Alone hes Mine"

He then Crumbled it up And threw it away he then found another one saying
"Im warning u"
He didnt listen and Threw it away He then found 3 notes saying

1 note:"Hes MINE! So Go find someone else"

2 note:"Listen to me Now"

3 Note:"Or else.."

Yukc0 Started to Get Pissed So Threw the 3 notes away And if he found another one He ignored it
Yes he didn't Find another one But didnt read it Instead he Just ran into the arcade and into his room..

What the Note he didnt read Said:"It would be Assameaded If P0tat0_Q went missing")

G0z Pov:

As i was Done talking to Yukc0 i headed to my room But on my way to my room i found Notes They all said "Ur mine"
"Stay away from Yukc0" "I can only have u" i was creeped out once i made it to the front of my room i found a note on my Door saying "Stay away From Yukc0 or would be Assameaded If one of ur Friends from the circus went missing.." That when i really got freaked out So I ran into my room and Pressed this Button behide my Closet it was the Lock down Button a Huge red Bubble Would Go around the whole circus And Nobody can get in or get out now nobody will go missing and they wont stop me from talking to Yukc0! I then Changed into my Pjs and Went to bed...

To bad Someone will go missing...

To be Countied...

G0z X Yukc0 [Abandoned] Where stories live. Discover now