Part Three: Turning the pages of past

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13years ago Dehradun

Dehradun, it's know as Doon valley of Heaven

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Dehradun, it's know as Doon valley of Heaven. Nature's beauty lies here. It's truly heavenly. With peace and beauty it carry it's own mystery. People lives a peace life here. A sweet beautiful city in the valley of Himalaya.

 A sweet beautiful city in the valley of Himalaya

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Singhania villa, Dehradun, 13years ago.

Pratap Singrania a renown respectful businessman, lives here with his 12years old son Arjun, his brother and brother's wife Rudra Singhania and Kumud Singhania and their 9years old little daughter Rashi. He lost his beloved wife 6years ago in a bomb blast where his best friend, associate sudhir lost his wife too. It's really hard to cope up with the pain for him. Eventually he closeout everyone accept sudhir bcuz they both are suffering from same pain. He even made his distance with Arjun too which use to affect Arjun a lot after all he is the only parent he have. But pratap never give a hoot to that, he thought what he's doing is good for his son. Though Sudhir many times tried to change his opinion but it was fruitless. Still there was a relief for Arjun, a sunshine in doom world, his Mistu, Sudhir Alluwalia's 8years old daughter Arohi. She is the apple of everyone eye specially Arjun's. A little naughty sunshine in their life. She's Sudhir and Bina's only daughter and Bina died in same bomb blast as Arjun mother when Arohi was only two-year then. Since then it's only Sudhir who is single handedly managing Arohi. Sudhir is really thankful to Singhania's specially Pratap for the love and respect they showered on Arohi and him or so he always presented. Pratap never let Sudhir feel like a outsider, always consider him as a family and love Arohi like his own daughter, even more than Arjun. He trust Sudhir with his life that's why he has given sudhir all the assess to business and always consider his advice before doing anything which he never did with Rudra. That's the reason Rudra and Kumud used to hate Sudhir but can't do or show anything due to Pratap. Rudra use to running small business of his own which doesn't make much profit, he always have his eyes on Pratap's business but Pratap never allowed him to work with him because of his previous history. While Pratap not only give Sudhir job when he came with his newly wedded wife in this city after Sudhir's family disown him due to intercast marriage but also welcome him to family and trust him with everything. Though after Pratap's wife Anuradha death Kumud taken full control over household and always try to take Arjun under her control. But Arjun was always into little Arohi even Kumud manipulation can't effect it. Though he loves Rashi too but with Arohi it's different. And everybody noticed it including Pratap himself that why he taken word from sudhir that when Arohi 'll turn 22 they 'll bind Arjun Arohi into holy bond of marriage. Rudra Kumud tried hard to protest but Pratap didn't listen a word. Even Arjun came to knows about it through Kumud when she came to manipulate him against it but Arjun reaction was total opposite, he was really excited to know that his Mistu 'll be married to him. He ran out to Pratap saying if Arohi 'll be married to him then why not now. He want to marry her now. Pratap laugh freely after many years hearing his son innocent demand. After composing himself made Arjun understand that to marry Arohi he have to first become a successful man in life and till then Arohi 'll grown up too. After that jokingly said what's the hurry Arohi was always his and always will be his. Though Pratap said that jokingly but Arjun never forgot about it. Well he was a stubborn kid, always get what he want. It's hard for him not to think like that after what his father said. So according to him Arohi became his without any doubt. He use to take care of his Mistu and her every needs. He never allow anyone to hurt Arohi even it was Sudhir. Arohi was always a naughty child but with Arjun support and pamper she turned out to more naughty and stubborn. When Arohi use to turn into her stubborn mode only her Arju can manage her. Like now where a little cute 8years old girl is running away from her nanny in garden refusing to drink complan. Just then Arjun came there from his cricket practice. He saw his Mistu again into her stubborn mode but he knows how to manage her. Smiling he went towards her and from back cover her eyes with his hands. For once Arohi startled but then smile feeling the hands knowing very well whom those belong to but frown next sec. And jerk his hands away , start moving away.

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