Stephen Strange: Fairy Tale Curse

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This was requested by @otakus_need_love

*Your POV*
I woke up in this dark and cold room, there was a tiny animal bed next to a concrete wall that had scratches on it. I was stuck on the hard floor, my body wouldn't move, nor could I get up. One minute I am on a mission with the team then the next I am waking up here not being able to move. Then there were footsteps heading towards the rusty, metal cell doors.
"Ya in here sweetheart?" A deep voice questioned.
I tried to speak but it didn't come out as a word, it came out as a meow.
"Ah, I see it worked. The boss will be pleased." The voice said and opened the cell door.
The deep voiced man walked in and injected me with something then left. After a few minutes, I could feel my limbs, I got up and walked toward something shiny. I looked at my reflection and I could not believe my eyes; I am a cat.
"What the f-"
"I see the little kitty can move now."  Another man said.
He opened the cell door, I wanted to run but I was too weak.
'This is fantastic.' I thought to myself
The man picked me up by the underneath of my arms and smiled.
"Very pretty eyes." He complimented.
'Oh I know, but I wonder how a scar would look next to your eye' I thought to myself again
The man, still carrying me, brought me to a room(to what I assumed was the dining room), and set me on the table. In front of me was a bowl a food that only now looked really appetizing; my stomach growled.
'Where are you guys?' I questioned myself.
The man went next to me and stared at me, I am not eating this.
"Eat kitten." He ordered.
He tried to put his hand in my face but that did not last long, I bit his hand.
"You little-" He mumbled.
"SERVANT!" He roared.
"Yes, boss." The servant kneeled.
"Take the kitty back to it's room." He ordered and the servant complied.
The servant then picked me up and walked back to the cell.
'This is animal cruelty' I thought.
'Wait, but I was a human, how did this happen? Why am I just asking myself that?' I mentally face palmed.
"There you go, little kitty, here's your new bed."
"I hate you" I hissed but again it came out as meows.
He put me in the bed, which was actually soft, but I'd rather me in my own. He left and locked the cell door. His footsteps sounding farther and farther away from me.
'Can I get through the bars?' I questioned myself.
I got up and started to walk on my four paws and tried to get through; I couldn't.
'Breaking news, Y/N L/N from the Avengers has been reported missing and now is a cat with no one to help her' I mock myself.
I looked for a way to get out and go back to my home, but the only way I could think of is attack the servant guy and get to the main door cause I saw they had a animal door. I get through that and I should be good. I just have to get the timing right, that can wait for tomorrow, I need sleep.
*One Week Later*
Okay, so, I'm still here. I am going to guess the team can not find me and that I have to do the plan today. I have been outside and I now know an escape route to take. I also know I am in New Jersey and I need to get back to the tower, in New York. I am still in the cell, waiting for the servant to come down to take me outside, he always carries the keys with him. The keys open the front gate and the door I use to go outside. I soon heard footsteps coming towards the cell, and saw it was the servant with the keys. He opened the rusty door, came in, and picked me up. He carried me through the dark maroon halls of the mansion, till we got to the door that will lead to my freedom.
'I am no house cat. I am an Avenger'
He put me down to enter through my door, I walked through. He picked me up again to put me in the yard.
'Never lets me walk, big dumb idiot'
When he picked me up with the hand he had the keys in, I bit his hand, and he dropped the keys(also me). I landed on my feet, picked up the keys with my teeth, and ran to the gate. I managed to unlock the gate and open it (it was quiet difficult). I ran as fast as I could, I heard the man yelling behind me. There was a river I as to cross, I leaped into the cold, rapid waters, and swam to the other side.
'Claw the water is what Diego said'
"CLAAAAWWW!" I exclaimed.
I reached the other side and ran again. Once I made it to a very busy bridge, I crossed, dodging cars that almost ran me over. I took off towards New York.
*Time skip*
Once I made it back to New York, the trip was not easy, this little girl picked me up and wanted to keep me, did not turn out good. I was almost towards the tower, it was not late at night. Once I reached the tower, I did not think about how I would reach them. I just started to meow a lot and very loudly, hope for the best that they hear me.
"GUYYYSS! HELLO! IM A FRIEND! IM A CAT NOW!" I yelled and scratched at the door.
'Someone has to be up, this tower never sleeps'
I continued that for about a hour till I went in the vents to get through to the living room. Steve, Tony, Bucky, and a new guy was in there. I heard movement in the vents and saw Clint.
"Why is a cat in here?" He questioned.
"You want some Chex Mix?" He questioned me.
"Clint,it's me."
Came out as meows.
"I'm gonna show you to the team." Clint said.
He nodded towards a direction and I followed him.
"I wish you could meet Y/N, but Y/N is missing and we haven't gotten a clue or anything about the destination." He explained.
"Y/N could've done it in a second, finding where someone is or the way back from some place, a master tracker, hacker, and finder." He muttered.
When we reached the end of the vents, he took me out and carried me to the living room.
"Hey guys, look who I found in the vents!" He exclaimed.
The four guys turned around.
"We can't have pets, Clint." Tony told him.
'I need to do something that I would do.'
The others walked in.
"Where did you find a cat?" Bruce asked.
"Vents." Is all Clint said.
I jumped from Clint's arms and ran over to Bruce's legs, I started to purr.
"Seems it likes you." Bucky said.
I went over to all of them except for the new man and went against them.
'Need to try harder'
I ran over to where I kept my stuff, my snacks and computer.
"Hey! That's Y/N's stuff!" Clint yelled.
I hopped on my computer and hoped they understood what I meant.
"Wait, Y/N?" Nat asked.
A loud meow.
"Get the laptop." Tony said and Steve came over.
"Don't scratch me." Steve smiled and got the laptop.
I walked behind him as he set down the laptop. The password came up and I had to show Steve my password.
"Let me open notes so you can tell us." Steve said.
"Are we sure that it's actually Y/N cause it's a cat and-" Tony began.
"We're about to know if it's Y/N and not some random cat." Sam said.
"Alright here we go." Steve said and I started to point at letters.
"I." Steve read and typed.
When he and I finished, he backed up.
"I am me. I was captured. Turn me back please." They all read.
"I can't believe this"
"Always should've known your spirit animal was cat"
" What do we do."
"So this means no to a pet cat"
"Okay, how do we turn Y/N back from a cat?" Steve questioned.
"Bruce is there anything you can do?" Steve asked Bruce.
"I can try." Bruce said and walked away.
"What about you, Magician?" Tony asked the man on the couch.
He was really attractive, he seemed nice too.
I went up to him and jumped on his leg. He seemed stiff like he didn't know what to do. I went to his hand and tried to lift it.
"Awww I think Y/N has a crush." Tony teased.
I hissed at Tony.
"What'd I say?" He questioned.
He lifted his hand and began to let me.
"Well, Strange, is there anything you can do?" Tony questioned again.
"Uhh, I might be able to get your friend back to their normal selves." He answered.
"Normal" Clint scoffed," nothing is normal about Y/N."
"True" Sam agreed.
I looked at them with the best 'I'm done with you' face I could.
"It's true, Y/N." Bucky said.
*Hour later*
I was laying on the couch as Bruce came back.
"Got something, Bruce?" Steve asked.
"Ever heard of the fairy tale 'Princess and the Frog'?"Bruce questioned everyone.
"What're you implying?" Thor questioned beside me.
" I believe that is what's going on with Y/N. It's not the same way the story has gone but it condescends with the story." Bruce explained.
"How?" Strange asked.
I looked at him then back at Bruce.
"We all think highly of Y/N, like royalty, like a prince or a princess. But we don't know who is suppose to be the frog, the man or woman Y/N loves, the frog is still open. The princess was turned into a frog like how Y/N was turned into a cat." Bruce explained more.
"How do you know the story of 'Princess and the Frog'?" Tony asked.
"I've been watching a lot of Disney lately." Bruce answered.
"I watched 'Princess and the Frog' with Y/N." Bruce told them.
"It's Y/N's favorite." Bucky said.
"How do you know?" Strange asked.
"Y/N told me when I first got back here and wanted to watch it with me." Bucky explained.
"So we just have to go around getting kissed by Y/N and hope it works?" Tony asked.
"Yup." Is all Bruce said.
That's what we did, it has not worked so far and it was now just Nat, Bruce, Sam, Clint, and Strange in line. Nothing for Nat, nothing for Bruce, nothing for Sam, nothing for Clint, and now it was Strange's turn. I kissed Strange and I started to fell fuzzy, I started to purr.
"Put up the towel wall around Y/N and the clothes too, just in case." Steve ordered and it was done.
I opened my eyes and realized I could see my hand like my actual hand not a paw. I stood up, my legs sore, and changed into the new clothes. I walked out and was met with a group hug.
"So happy you're back." Bucky told me and I smiled.
"I'm surprised you didn't change back when you kissed me." Tony fake pouted.
" And it never will be." I told him.
I went over to Strange and hugged him.
"Thanks. If it weren't for you I would still be a cat." I smiled and he smiled back.
"The name is Stephen actually. Stephen Strange."
"Hi, Stephen." I linked our hands together.
"Does this mean you're my frog prince?" I questioned him.
"Alright...Kitten." He smirked, I smirked back.
He kissed my cheek and I leaned into him.
"Awww look at the new couple." Tony teased.
I am home.
I looked at Stephen as he was looking at me.
"Wanna watch your favorite movie?" He asked me and we started to walk.
"Are you kidding? I just lived it. I wanna sleep in a normal bed." I answered.
"What bed did you sleep in?"
"You don't wanna know."
"A cat bed, huh?"
"Listen, it wasn't as bad as you think."
He laughed.
We reached my door.
"Have a good sleep."
"It would be better if you were in the bed too."
"I can't deny that offer."
"Come on, Prince."
This is home.

I hope the person who requested this enjoyed it and all of you did as well. This was really fun to write and to do. I am still taking request. Hope all of you have a great day/evening/night.

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