Prolouge: Close to the Edge

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"Goddammit! I told you to watch how you stacked the crates now their broken!" The man in the grey mask replied "well maybe if you got off your lazy ass and helped we wouldn't have this problem." A third man exited the driver seat of the truck with a questionable look on his face "what's the hold up? We should have left by now." "Dumb ass over here made all the crates fall and now we gotta put them in something else." The driver looked on the ground where the crates had shattered and saw guns intertwined with the piles of straw and bits of assorted contraptions scattered on the ground. The man with the grey mask began to pick up the guns and started to place them back on the truck. "What the hell do you think your doing?" Said the man with a scar on his right eye. "I cleaning up our mess you gunna help or are you gunna keep complaining?" The with the scar started to speak "you can't just put the guns on the floor they'll slide..." A object came in and slammed into his jaw. "What the hell?!?!?!" the man with a grey mask looked around to see where the object came from when a boot smashed square into his nose, shattering it into pieces. "Oh my god it's the fricking Bat!" the driver ran to the door of the truck and yanked on the handle. The truck door swung open with massive force and the driver reached into the passenger seat and pulled out a machine gun. Batman ran toward the driver and attempted to disarm him but then the man with a scar threw a chuck of wood at the back of his head and became dazed for a couple of moments. As soon as Batman came to his sense they were all upon him. The man with a grey mask punched him dead center in the chest while the man with a scar swiped the back of his right knee with a baseball bat. The driver then kicked Batman onto the ground with a hard kick to the chest. Batman was on the ground, injured and broken unable to react to anything around him. "What's the matter Batman? Something wrong with your old bones? Pathetic I remember when you actually could put up a fight now look at ya, old and lonely." The driver laughed at his own statement. "What should we do with him?" The man in the grey mask interjected. "Something that should have been done a long time ago." A gunshot rang in the night as the driver pulled the trigger on his gun toward the face of the Dark Knight. Blood streamed across the pavement as the men got into the truck and floored it out of the loading dock. Gotham's protector and savior had died leaving the city defenseless and helpless against the war that was started on that very night.

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