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"What am supposed to do that's my kid in there" Alex said to Arizona

"Alex it will be fine ok I'll take care of her" she said reassuring him

"I know you will but I can't I can't on my own"

"Ok how about we talk to our coworkers and see if we can have shared custody over her"

"Are you sure"

"Yes ever since Cali took Sofia I've had baby fever and I know that every one else will be fine with it why don't you talk to jo about it make your decision and then come back and talk to me I'm gonna go check on her and tell her what's gonna happen"


Arizona's POV

I walked into Luna's room were she was sleeping and sat in the side of the bed she started to stir she opened her eyes.

She looked up at me her eyes filled with tears Threatening to spill

"Shhhh......shhhhhh it's ok I'm gonna help you all right" she nodded

"Ok sweetheart, can I sit with you" she nodded and moved over so I could sit next to her

"You know that dr who helped you earlier" she nodded "that's your daddy ok but your mommy can't take care of you any more so your gonna stay with daddy from now on is that all right"

"Mhm" she snuggled into me

"But there's a catch you daddy and his wife can't take care of you by them self so a lot of people are gonna come in and there gonna share Custody over you ok so that means that you will have a lot of mommy's your gonna live with" I said trying my best to explain something very complex to a 1 almost 2 year old.

She looked at me scared but nodded her head agreeing she let a tear roll down her face

"Hey it's okay there all going to love you with all of there Hart okay" I said wiping her tears with my hands.

She ponted at me and said 'oo' as in you

"Yes I'll be you momma too" she smiled and laid on my chest.

Alex's POV

I walked to the cafeteria we're Jo was eating lunch

"Hey how's Luna" she asked me

"Good Arizona's with her right now" I sat down next to my wife

"Arizona had mentioned this thing I would like to do if your ok with it" she nodded "I would like to share Custody over her"

"Yeah I'm fine with it who with tho"

"You, me, Arizona, Amillia, April, Meredith, and Maggie"

"What about addi"

"As in Addison Montgomery"


"I'm not flying Luna to LA every week"

"Oh you don't know ok she just moved back last week she starts back tomorrow"

"Really than Yeah is love to have her look after Luna"

"Ok I'm so excited let's make a nickname for her" she said smiling like a little kid and giggling

"What are you thinking" I asked

"I like lulu" she said shoving another french fry in her mouth.

"Lulu it is"

"Ok let's tell them" she said getting out her phone

She texted in our group chat what the plan was every one seemed excited about it we all decided to go to her room schedule her surgery to remove her tumor and then take her out to dinner

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