Chapter 10

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The next day, the atrocious dream was still in my head and I knew I wouldn't be able to forget it not for a long time yet but nevertheless, I had a long day of work ahead of me and forced myself out of bed once my alarm went off.

It was only Adam and I for breakfast, Dad didn't come down when I called him so I left his and Mum's food in the microwave which was eggs on toast.

Adam left for school when his friend came over and I got ready for work before leaving too.

It was a normal day out on sea until my last load of the morning. I loaded the net as usual and brought back up onto the boat using the loading bay and began to empty the net. Once every fish was out, that's when I noticed it.

It was something shiny among all the stinky sea creatures I had caught. At first I thought it was fish scales because they are silver and shiny but upon closer inspection, I realised it wasn't. It was too large of a shiny silever patch to be scales. I had to take a much closer look. I moved the surrounding fish aside to uncover it. I gasped when I realised that it wasn't a fish after all.

First, I thought it was a very large fish I had never caught before or a new fish but I could only see half of it, the top was still covered with other fish. I moved them aside and gasped with an unconscious human face appeared, a very handsome human face. It was the most handsome guy I had ever seen and I stilled in surprise. I wasn't expecting to ever see someone this handsome, he's better than my boyfriend.

I shook my head when every inch of the handsome fella was uncovered. He looked like half man and fish. My first thought was that it was a guy in a merman costume who went for a swim and drowned or something but then I saw the tail. It was a very beautiful tail, none like I had ever seen before. It was so shiny, it looked like treasure. For some reason I was reminded of my disgusting dream with the fish from the other day.

It was a normal day and as usual I got up really early for the morning's catch on my own. I loaded the net on the bay and lowered it down into the sea. Once the net was full, the bay was brought back up onto the boat and began to unload it.

After some time, something shiny caught my eye amongst the pile of fish. I moved the fish aside with my hands to see what it was and once uncovered, I was surprised to see a fish I had never seen before. I expected to be disgusted at the mere sight of the fish as usual but I was wrong. This fish was different. In fact, it was the most beautiful fish I had ever seen in my life. My whole hatred of fish went out the door. The fish was so shiny and looked nice to touch. It's scales were unlike any I had ever seen, they shone in the sunlight like treasure. The fish had the most adorable eyes which once I looked into, I couldn't tear my gaze away.

The fish seemed as mesmerised with me as I was with it. It didn't take it's small eyes off me, not even for a second. I don't know what was going on but I was happy. The happiest I had ever been in my entire life.

I found myself leaning in closer and closer to the fish until there was almost no space to breathe. The fish seemed to like me being so close to it and the next thing I knew, our lips were joined together and we were passionately kissing.

I shook my head once the terrible flashback was over. I glanced back at the handsome fella lying unconcscious at my feet and wondered what had happened to him and why I was graced with his presence? He looks like someone important while I'm plain Alyssa, no one special.

A hand ended up on his tail, I was expecting it to feel scaly but it didn't. It was so smooth and soft at the same time. I had never felt anything so nice before. I couldn't help but stroke it.

I was so lost in stroking the tail that I didn't notice the man open his eyes. My eyes widened as they met his beautiful grey, almost silver ones.

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