The start of a new day

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"Damn rooster!". Rolling around in his bed. Not wanting to get up yet, but knowing if he wouldn't get up soon the owner would make sure he would. Crawling out of bed Jason moved to the bowl on the small table in his room. His room, it wasn't big but it was his. Aslong as he keeps working for it that is. The room itself contained a 1 person bed, a table with a water bowl with a mirror above it and a chair in the corner. A closet against the wall contains the view pieces of clothing he has. The window in the room looks out over the fields, and edging the fields is a large forest. Jason finishes cleaning his face, then looks in to the mirror. The image in the mirror is that of a young person, maybe 27 years old. His eyes deep blue, dark blond hair and a bit unshaved. Moving to the window, opening it and inhaling the air from the outside. He feels his body react to the nature outside. Calming him down and a smile appearing on his face. Hey loved this place, looking at the fields outside and the forrest. He loved the nature surrounding him, the work outside in the sun. The wind that cooled his skin and the sun that warmed him up. But above of all he loved the work he did, yes it is heavy and hard work but it let him be outside.

 The town clock sounds for the 7th time. "Fuck, I am going to be late." Jason thinks as he rushes thru the crowd. As he comes near the town center it gets more crowded. Moving thru the mass of people Jason comes closer to the center, then he sees her. She probably is around the same age as Jason, her brown long curly hair hanging over her shoulders. Her pale skin visible in the early evening light. She is a head smaller then Jason. "There she is." he whispers soft. He doesn't know much about this girl, only that she is the daughter of one of the important and rich families of this town. They got a big house at the end of the road and hardly come out. Only once a week they show themself at the towns center to talk to the people, and only at night. "She is beautifull isn't she.". Jason turns his head, standing next of him stands an old man. His clothing worn out with holes and dirt. His face and arms covered with scars, most of them old but a few recent ones. "Her name is Miranda, she is the youngest daughter of the Grayon family." the old continues. "She is a charming young girl, to bad she is stuck up with that familie.". Jason looks at the girl again, thinking about her name. "How do you mean stuck with that familie." he asks while turning back to the old man. To his suprise the old man dissapeared. In his place lays an old and scared light grey wolf. "Hmmm, he must have run off somewhere else." Jason thinks of himself. He looks back at the center, and to his dissapointment seeing the familie taking their leave.

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