Are you okay?

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A few days have passed since the day that Jason found out the girls name. He was spending his days from early in the morning till late in the evening on the fields. Harvest season was here and that meant long and heavy days on the fields. Jason spend most of the day reaping the grain. It was a heavy job to do but he didn't mind. Most of the time he was deep in thoughts, thinking about Miranda. This has actually become a daily routine for Jason. Almost every second of the day his thoughts are filled with her image, at night he often dreams about her. Yet in her dreams she sits still as he has seen her on the town center. He wonders what her voice would sound like, how it would sound when she speaks or even sings. But deep inside of him he knows he will never find out. She is a member of one of the noble family's in town, and he is just a ... yes, what is he. A farmer? Not the least, he only took this job so he could earn money. And he needed a place to stay which the farmer provided.

"Jason! What in the lords name are you doing son!". Jason looks up from his work as he hears the loud scream from the farmer. As he looks around him he noticed he almost started to harvest the roses of the farmers wife. "Are you day dreaming again boy? You better pay more attention to your work if you want to keep your job!" the farmer speaks. "I am sorry Sir, it won't happen again." Jason replies to the farmer. "Sometimes I wonder what you are thinking of. Anyway Jason, I need you to run an errand for me. I got some bags of grain to be brought to a customer. Go get a bath and get some new cloths on. I can't have you show up like that on their doorstep.". Jason nods at the farmer, "Okay Sir".

A hour later Jason walks down the stairs, hearing noises downstairs he stops a second to listen. From the kitchen downstairs he hears voices speaking. He slowly takes a few more steps down, making sure they don't hear him. "Why are you sending the boy to that family." he hears a strange voice speak. Then he hears the farmer speak, "She requested it, and you know I can't say no. They are one of my biggest customers. If it wasn't for them I would be out of busines.". "Still he is not ready to go there, if only he knew. And not to mention, if they knew. You know ..." but the stranger doesn't have time to finish his sentence as the farmer starts to speak, "You better go Lucas. He will be down soon and we can't have him know all this yet. I will contact you soon.". Jason heard the door open and close again, he waited a minute before walking down to the kitchen. Walking in he sees the farmer sit at the table. "Was somebody just here?" he asks. "No, boy. But more important, I got an important task for you. I need you to deliver some bags of grain to the Grayon family. You can take the horse and wagon. Now listen carefully, when you get there you go to the back of the mansion. There is a door which leads to the basement. You got to take the supply's there. Do you understand?". Jason nods at the farmer, "Yes, I understand"."I will leave at once." he replies, hiding the excitemend in his voice. Not thinking at all of the convesation the farmer had before he entered the room. Just thinking about seeing her.

"Will I see her?" he wonders as he rides the wagon around the mansion. It took him not so long to get there. The mansion itself is not that big, but bigger then the houses in town or the farm where he stayed. He gets of the wagon and walks to the door. Slowly opening it, the little day light left lights up the stairs going down and end in darkness. "Just my luck, no light." he thinks of himself as he slowly walks down the stairs. Then the last step he feels something move around his ankle, making him trip and fall the last 4 steps before landing on the hard ground. Trying to get up he hears some movement and then a soft, sweet voice speaking to him "Are you okay?

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