Introductions: Tara

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Name: Tara Aggio 

Age: 16 

Height: 5'9"

Physical Description: Dirty blond hair, freckles, fairly lean build, blue eyes 


-hates avocados! 

-likes science/math 


-loves space and clouds 

-is shy/awkward, but warms up around friends and becomes very outgoing 

-used to play volleyball but quit to focus on school 

-wants to be an astrophysicist

-is taking Spanish in school 

-loves fruit 

-never wears skirts 

-curls hair everyday 

-wears the same necklace, pair of earrings, and ring everyday 

-always has hair down except for PE 

-prefers converse 

-wears leggings 

-prefers cold weather 

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