Telling the Word (Tuesday)

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I was shown this video a few years back at a Christian convention. While it can be a laugh as well as a little on the cheesey side, I think it also has a good message.

All those reasons that he gave in the video, are some of the same reasons we have today. Maybe they differ a little, but over all they are really similar.

Just like the video says however, they aren't really reasons, they are excuses.

My challenge to you, is to get past those excuses. Live out God's plan for you and spread his word. Because his word is definitely worth sharing!

God created you, he sent his son to die for you, and best of all, he loves you despite your imperfections. Is that not a good enough reason to share your faith?

Daily Scripture:

Matthew 28:19

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

This is known as the Great Comission. Jesus did tell this to his disciples, but he wasn't just talking to them. This is Jesus, the son of God who died for us, commanding us to spread the word. To be open about our faith.

So set your excuses aside and take up the challenge. God chose you. He chose all of us. So, so what if people make fun of you, or you make mistakes. What matters most in the end?


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