My mate. The omega.

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Hey guys. Join in me in the fifth and final book I My 'My Mate.' Series. The book is called 'My Mate. The omega.' Read the prologue down below.

Liam as alessandro dellisola

"I Liam Pierce, challenge you, Alpha Jonathan," everyone stood in awe as Liam, the child Alpha Jonathan and Luna Evangeline raised, challenged Jonathan for the alpha title.

Liam challenged Jonathan in front of the whole pack. Something that neither of them could walk away from. The whole pack seemed to be holding their breathe as they waited for Jonathan's answer.

It had only been a day that Liam had been back. From the moment he got back they knew he was changed, no longer the innocent little boy they had all came to love.

Liam's once fair skin is now tan from long days in the sun. His hair that was always kept well groomed, grew out into long strands that go past his ears. His face is scruffy from not being shaved, but his eyes showed that he was truly the same Liam they all knew. He still had the same bright blue eyes. They held the same shine letting some know, the ones that truly knew him, that he is still the same child that they loved.

They also told of a story. His story. How his mother died during childbirth. How his father committed suicide shortly after his mother's death, but most importantly they told his true story. Not the fantasized one that everyone knew, but the one where Jonathan and Evangeline raised him as their own. Showing him nothing but love, Care, and compassion.

His eyes showed his true self. Not the self that he let everyone sees on in his human skin, but they see him behind his human skin. Behind his mask.

"I, Jonathan, accept your challenge," the crowed released a breathe. The day everyone had been waiting for was here, but they didn't expect it to go down like this. They didn't expect Liam to challenge Jonathan for the title. The pack would soon come to know Liam's way of being a leader.

"Alpha Jonathan you have accepted Liam's challenge. Everyone here knows what that means. You two will fight to the death, or until one of you forfeits," the wind sweeps around the two picking up leaves and blowing south. The air is filled with tense pressure as everyone's eyes are on the two. Alex, Jonathan's beta tells them the rules that no one knew well enough.

Jonathan and Liam nod their head then shake hands. They back up from each other. Their pack mates made a wide circle around them as to not let anyone get out or get in. Pack guardsmen are on the inside of the circle, so no innocent bystanders get injured during their battle.

Jonathan is the first to make a move as the two circle around each other. He shifts into his wolf. Liam followed in pursuit and the battle began. They both relinquish full power to the stronger part of themselves, that being their wolfs.

Each attacked the other at different angles. Liam being younger and stealthier goes strait for this kill, attempting to latch his jaw around Jonathan's neck. Jonathan however being older tried a more disabling method.

He went for his tail grabbing from under neath Liam and pulling making him stumble. Jonathan then went in and tried to attach his jaw to his hind leg. Liam however is quick on his feet and snarls at Jonathan. All the while Luna Evangeline watches the scene unfold.

This is her first fight for power she has seen. She is human. Only being let into the werewolf fantasy world, because she is Alpha Jonathan's mate.

Evangeline didn't flinch as her mate got his leg snapped in half by her son. She didn't cringe as her mate clawed at her son making three gashes across his back. She just watched the scene unfold. She watched like she already knew the outcome.

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