Happy Halloween, Solangelo (I fixed some stuff)

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A/N: I wrote this at 10 pm in less than an hour forgive the messiness. Just needed some Solangelo and with Halloween coming up, I decided to do this. Hope you like this :)

(I edited it some)

"I haven't done Halloween in forever," Nico remarked as he sat sprawled across the floor of the Hades cabin, surrounded by pillows and blankets. Will shushed him gently, bringing his finger to his lips.

"This is the best part!" They were watching an illegally downloaded Captain America: the Winter Soldier on Will's laptop. Nico kept reminding himself to actually pay attention to the movie. His eyes kept wandering over to Will, who was far more excited about the whole Captain America thing. The son of Apollo had gotten it into his head that Nico should be Bucky and he should be Steve for the upcoming Halloween party at Camp Half Blood. 

Nico kept staring at Will. He longed to wrap his arms around Will's strong shoulders and kiss his lips fiercely. But that was never going to happen. They were both to shy, and anyway, Will was just his friend. His very hot, very gay, but very  unattainable friend. 


Piper Mclean was no idiot, and the head of the Aphrodite cabin. She knew love when she saw it, and she definitely saw something between Will Solace and Nico di Angelo. Piper voiced her suspicions to the Apollo cabin, and once they had seen it, they were eager to set the two boys up. Together, they made a plan. No one noticed the missing supplies in the last-minute costume making. They laid out their plan carefully, until there were no kinks. Will and Nico didn't stand a chance.



Nico grudgingly shut his eyes so Will could put eyeliner on them. "I don't see why I can't just stay in here," He complained. "I had no idea Halloween was so complicated."

"You need to come, otherwise I'll look like an idiot! Where's Steve without Bucky?" Will replied. "And besides, you look cute with eyeliner." WIll looked at him and blushed, andl was quick to change the subject. They talked about nothing for a while. The weather, food, the latest season of Bones, anything they could think of that wasn't of any importance. 

At 9 PM, WIll and Nico finally left the Hades cabin. And they looked awesome. Will had gotten one of the Hephaestus kids to make Nico a metal arm, and had sewed his own costume. Nico just wore his normal clothes, but had his hair straitened into long strands. And of course there was the eyeliner, which made the costume all the more perfect.

Will didn't let Nico out of his sight for the whole night, and for that Nico was very grateful. He didn't want to have to talk to anyone he didn't want to. If Nico ever wanted out of a conversation, which was often, he would just give Will a panicked 'help me now' look and Will would get him out of there with a quick "Nico, come with me to get this item of food that I've had twelve of but I need another and you need to eat one right now."

They danced for hours, forgetting themselves in the music. Nico had to actively resist kissing Will right there when he fended off the crazy satyrs who had somehow gotten a hold of some cheap beer. They were so disconnected that they failed to notice the entire Apollo cabin plus Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel had left at one time. Finally, at 2 AM, the crowd started to disperse. 

"I'll walk you back to your cabin, kay?" Will said, always the gentleman. Nico was exhausted. It wasn't just the physical tiredness, but the fatigue of spending so much time with so many people. He felt his eyelids getting heavy, and if he could just go to sleep for a minute-

"Woah there, man," Will's strong arms were around him, supporting his meager weight. The blonde boy draped Nico's arm around his shoulders and started back towards cabin 13. As they hobbled passed Apollo, they didn't hear the rustling sounds of excited campers in the darkness. 

Suddenly, 20 or so campers dressed all in black with soot smeared across their faces crept out from behind the Apollo cabin. They unravelled rolls of yarn and wrapped them around the two boys, trapping them in  an awkward embrace. 

"We aren't letting you guys out until you kiss," said a voice from the crowd. Nico recognized it as Leo Valdez, the little twat. He made a mental note to set some zombies on him later. Now, back to the crisis at hand. He looked at Will with a  grimace, and was surprised to find an elated grin on Will Solace's face. Why the smile was there took Nico a minute.Wait a minute, Will Solace, the most attractive boy almost in the whole camp, was happy at the idea of kissing him? Why? 

With a start, Nico realized he was happy too. He couldn't move. Nico liked a boy who liked him back. Will Solace liked him back. He repeated it in his head like a chant, and Will moved his head forward a little, the smile fading from his unparalleled face. Nico closed his eyes and let the warmth of the son of the sun god embrace him. 

The first kiss was supposed to be in the woods, sprawled on the ground behind a rock. Nico had had it all planned out in his head. But he supposed, in a way, this was better. A warm feeling moved from his toes to his forehead, and he heard the "awwww"s from his camp mates. 

The whole camp had gathered around them by now, and Nico thought he heard some whispers of finally, gosh, took them long enough, from the Aphrodite girls. But everyone was smiling at him, and for maybe the first time ever, Nico felt accepted. He felt- he felt loved. 

It took a while for them to get the yarn off, but Nico wasn't tired anymore. He and Will stumbled into tthe Hades cabin at 3:37 AM, and neither of the boys left for a very long time. 

So this is what home feels like, he thought through the haze of happy tiredness that surrounded Will and him. Incredible.

Happy Halloween, SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now