Unexpected Disruption

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Cody White
Finally I was able to go home from being in the hospital for almost close a month. I hopped out of the bed and began to dress myself into the clothes my dad brought over before he had to head off to work. My bike was officially totaled which kind of gave me the right around to have my moms car back. The Mercedes beauty was sitting outside waiting on me to drive her again. I cutt the engine on once I put the keys into the ignition lock. The engine roared to life and a smile spread across my face.. I gripped the steering wheel. Cody White was back.
I pulled into my driveway and grabbed the laundry basket out from the backseat that I had during my hospital stay and got out from my car. Shutting the door I walk up the front door and unlocked it swinging it open to the familiar smelling house I haven't smelled in almost a month. I shut the door and locked it laying my laundry basket down. I opened the fridge and pulled out the cookies my dad had bought.  Opening it I begin to Munch on a few. Once I turned around Heather almost scared me half to death.
"Jesus Christ! You could've said something!" I scowl at her basically screaming to the top of my dry lungs. She chuckles "Sorry.. I heard about you being at the hospital" She tells me. Slowly she gets up from the couch and the biggest bump I've ever seen was poking out from her shirt. She saw me looking at her as her hand slipped across her bump.
"Yeah.. I know" She tells me.
"What are you having?" I ask her.
"A girl" She tells me. I guess everyone I loved or love were now pregnant. Cody White couldn't have anything.
"Are you still with Tony?" I question her handing her a bag of chips she couldn't reach from the cabinet. She immediately opened them and began to eat from the bag.
"No" She answers.
"What happened?" I question her.
"He cheated on me again.. and now him and that girl are a thing now" She explains.
"Wow, I'm sorry that's sucks" I tell her. Her head tilts to the side and she smiles.
"You seem happier" She tells me. I look at her and don't answer that statement . I didn't want anyone knowing my business. Especially not anyone I use to fuck.
"So who has Cody Whites heart?" Heather questions me.
"I don't know what your talking about" I say.
"You know what I mean.. and I know someone has it because the group haven't seen you in a long time" She tells me reminding me of the person I use to be.
"I don't do that stuff anymore" I tell her.
"I know" She tells me.
I sit down next to her and sip from the drink I made laying my head up against my palm.
"So what are you doing here?" I ask her. Her head falls down and she smiles "I don't know... I just thought that maybe you'd be free to step out and go out to dinner for a second" She tells me.
"Out to dinner?" I question her.
"You're paying because I don't have a job yet" I say.
"You need to get one" She tells me.
The restaurant was packed as usual. when was my favorite spot not packed? We took our seats and ordered our meals. Women from around stared at me and heather. I hope they didn't think I was dating a pregnant girl. Can two women not go to lunch anymore without people thinking they're together?
"How's school?" Heather asked me as she sipped from her lemonade.
"I haven't been since I've been in the hospital" I remind her.
"I almost forgot" She says. I didn't of course.. I was nervous because I'm pretty sure the entire school knew I've been sitting in this hospital. Hopefully I wouldn't come back to a welcome home party.
"So who's the woman you've been seeing and I'm not going to stop asking until you tell me" She nags me on. I roll my eyes and hope to god the food would just arrive soon before I went insane. My prayers were answered when our waiter arrived to our table with both our orders.
I slipped some pasta into my mouth and l picked up my drink and took a sip washing it down to my hungry stomach.
"So is tony still in your life?" I ask her.
"I mean.. He's around so that counts for something" She tells me.
"I guess if you call that something you want" I explain to her. Her head pops up and her eyes look down at me "I wish I didn't cheat" She tells me.
"Yeah well like I said Heather, everything happens for a reason" I tell her.
"I still want to know who this special lady might be" She ask me once again.
"You'll never know" I tell her.
"I knew their was someone" She finally figures out. I couldn't say their wasn't not when I basically gave it away.
Those strong legs walked into the restaurant with her arm wrapped around Jacks arm. The black matte dress kissed her thick form I had just touched 2 days ago. The bump she had poked through the dress. Her hair was up in a due and those eyes landed in mines. Her face immediately turned red and her lip tucked into her teeth fighting a complete smile. As for me I couldn't help staring at her.
"Cody?" Heather voice called out from the corner of my eye. My eyes snatched away from her and went from Ms. Winter's to hers.
"Hmmm?" I questioned her. Her mouth opened then closed.
"Is that her?" She ask me.
I clear my throat and stuffed more pasta into my mouth. Even if it was she was here with someone else.. With Jack. I no longer had an appetite anymore. I just wanted to go home to my lonesome life and forget this day ever existed.
Heather walked into my home with me and shut the door after herself. I threw my keys down onto the counter and sat down onto the couch.
"Cody White" Heather calls me.
"Hmmmm?" I question her laying my body against the cushions.
"Was that her?" She ask me again.
"It doesn't matter" I tell her.
"Cody.. Get the fuck up" She commands me. I sit up and look back at her.
"Heather I don't wanna talk about it so can we please just drop it and enjoy the rest of this time I'll allow you to be here" I explain to her. Her mouth opens then closes knowing I was serious about talking about someone or something that would upset me. I didn't have time to talk about something that wouldn't make my day any better.
Heather's lips pressed onto mines and for once I didn't break away as I kissed her back. I wanted what I couldn't have. The affection of someone I had feelings for.. So if she couldn't show me off then who was I to not kiss Heather back. Suddenly Heather pushed away.
"I can't" She tells me.
Heather disruption all over again.
"What's wrong?" I ask her.
"Look... it's not that I'm not attracted to you Cody.. I am.. You're fucking hot but you're not in love with me anymore and that's pretty clear, I just don't want you to ruin the feelings you have for someone else" She says.
"Heather.. Shut up and kiss me" I tell her.
Following my command she presses her lips back onto mines. Within a matter of minutes the kiss deepened. Heathers bump kept getting in the way but Cody didn't care about that. She wanted the affection of someone, anyone and Heather happened to be here giving Cody that.
Cody's mouth wrapped around Heathers seeping opening. She moaned softly into the air of Cody's room. Cody worked her tongue all around her hole teasing the opening more. She knew what she was doing which brought a smile to her lips. Soon enough Heather began to plead for her opening to be fucked and clitt to be sucked.
"Fuck Cody.. please".
That's all Cody needed to hear so she gave Heather what she wanted.
Heather moaned even louder once Cody sucked along the shaft of heather's clitt. Heather knew Cody's her skills all too well but still failed to master the feeling of it. She moaned louder and gripped ahold of Cody's sheets which were now crumpled up from all the moving she did. She fought the feeling Cody Gave but failed to keep herself from exploding.
"Shit Cody!" She screamed.
Cody held her legs further apart as she ate into heathers hole. She licked and fucked the remains out of her until heather couldn't take it anymore. Heather left leg began to shake as Cody worked her masterful move on her. She knew it all too well when women were about to loose it. She made sure she held Heathers legs down and didn't let them go.. not even for a minute as she ate heather out. She watched heather loose it. She couldn't keep her head from falling back, her left leg from shaking and defiantly her moans from flying out through her throat.
"Fucking Cody!" She moaned out loudly gripping the bed sheets to life. Her leg was shaking like an earth quake and as she said those words her head fell back.  Just right after the biggest mess exploded from her body with ease giving Cody all that she worked for but this time... she stopped.
She could never do what she did to Ms. Winter even if she had a life energy waiting to keep going. It just.. was never the same.
Cody opened the door for heather letting her leave her home with a happy smile on her face but when she saw the only person she wasn't expecting to see that all changed. Heather smile quickly faded as she got into her car, cranked up the engine and departed from Cody's driveway. Ms. Winter stepped out of her car and closed the door with a not so good look on her face. Cody stepped out of her home and leaned against the door that would let anyone inside. She crossed her arms against her chest and waited for Ms. Winter to say something but she said nothing for a few minutes. She just stood there in her own thoughts. Probably thinking of what to say to Cody.
"Did you fuck her?" She finally said.
"What does it matter?" I say.
"Because... it does" She said.
"You fuck Jack why can't I fuck who I want to fuck?" I say. I could tell saying those words hit her hard but she never took the time out to think about how it all made me feel. So why should I care about how it made her feel? She never put my feelings into consideration.
"That's not fair Cody" She tells me.
"Yeah well life isn't fair.. when life gives you flowers.. you don't fucking water them because you let them dry up to die... right!" I say.
"I'm only with Jack because of the pregnancy.. and because you said it was best yourself" She reminds me. I smiled a bit because I was past irritated. It sure as hell wasn't a smile of happiness.
"Yeah I said that because I saw that it made you happy.. You don't seem happy running around in circles" I say. She looks at me with sadness and regret. "I'm not here to start a argument I'm just here because I wanted to see you" She tells me. I unfold my arms and open the door to my home holding it wide open for her to enter. She leans off her car and walks inside.
As soon as the door shut to my home I could see the way I hurt her when she found out I fucked heather before she came over. She fucked Jack... so why did it matter. She didn't care how it made me feel.
"I'm sorry" She apologizes to me.
"Don't be.. I should be the one telling you-
Immediately she walks up to me slowly blocking the rest of my sentence from coming out. My mouth hung open as I watched her walk up to me.
"I know" She spoke.
I clear my throat and looked down at my feet.
"I just don't like.. that I have to act like we're teacher and student" I tell her.
"But we are Cody White" She reminds me.
"I know.. I just didn't wish it was true" I admit to her.
"Everything happens for a reason, including me appearing into your life and you appearing into mines" She explains. Her breath was only a few inches away from my lips. Her eyes kept narrowing down to them and for a second I almost forgot that I was just kissing someone else's lips a few minutes ago. I felt bad that I fucked Heather instead of her.. why did I? She was fucking Jack.. But you knew she was with Jack before you laid your lips onto hers.. before now.. Fucking Heather wasn't because you was hurt.. you was jealous and you wanted to do the same.
You wanted to break her heart.. and look.. You did.
Remedy Winter
Cody knew how I felt about her so why did she go and fuck that girl. Who was that girl anyway? And why was she pregnant? Did she fuck her to make me jealous? Or did she want me realize that she could make the same love to me even if I was pregnant. I wanted Cody White.. Seeing another woman come out of her home made me realize that she wasn't mines as long as I kept telling myself that staying with Jack would be better for the babies.. when it wasn't.
I handed Cody a picture of the ultrasound photo I had taken a few days ago and laid my head up against the couch. I was mad with Cody.. scratch that I was hurt with Cody. I wanted her to realize that I didn't want anyone else and that I was only doing this to keep both hearts mended.. but who was I kidding? I was only mending mines. She focused and turned the picture in every angle trying to figure out what it was. A smile spread across my face as i flipped it to the correct side. Her confused face disappeared and was automatically replaced with a smile.
"Is this a arm?" She pointed at onto the picture.
I looked and nodded.
"So he or she has arms now?" She questions me. I chuckle at her unexpected question and answered "Yes they do" I reveal to her. It took her a moment to catch on... once she did her eyes looked up to mines with shock. Once she saw that the smile on my face wouldn't leave she asked. 
"Twins?" I looked at her just as shocked when I found the news out a couple of days ago and nodded. I still haven't told my parents I was pregnant or much less having two babies. I wanted all of it to be a surprise for them. So what Better way was their to tell them then to let them visit this Friday. I wasn't nervous for them to visit or even find out. I was much more nervous for them taking this as a ticket way to get us and Jack married sooner. I wasn't looking for a quick wedding.. I wasn't looking for one at all.
"How do you feel about two human beings growing inside of you?" She ask me.
"I feel fine.. I just.. The morning sickness is something new to me and the headaches happen out of no where" I explain to her.
"Are you having one right now?" She ask me quickly about ready to get up and get me some water and medicine.
"No, no Cody I'm fine, sit down" I tell her. A smile spreads across her face "Right, Sorry".
"It's okay" I say. I felt protected when she got up seeking my need to keep my safe.
"Are you hungry or anything?" She ask me.
"No I'm fine Cody" I tell her.
"Seriously, don't starve your kids for me" She tells me. I chuckle watching Cody scramble to keep me healthy and my babies protected.
"Cody?" I say.
"Alright" She says throwing her hands up.
Kneeling over Cody's bathroom toilet wasn't my ideal life right now as I threw up my food from earlier. I knew nausea was going to hit me at some time in my pregnancy which turned out to be now.
"Are you okay?" Cody asked me from behind the door.
"Yeah Cody I'm fine" I tell her as I held onto the toilet bowl from falling over and passing out. As soon as I knew my contents were done coming up I got up and washed my mouth out. Reflecting back in the mirror was me.. gorgeous just like everyone that met me kept telling me and sick just like I've been since I found out I had another human being beside the one I knew I had already growing inside of me.
I swung the door open and their was Cody sitting on the bed waiting on me to come out and reveal myself as okay. It was nice for once to know that someone cared about my well being. Jack didn't do that, he panicked and stormed to work telling me it would be fine and don't hesitate to call if it's an emergency. My whole pregnancy was an emergency.. my body was being taken over by something I couldn't control and something i wanted to have because I've always wanted to have kids of my own.
I kept rubbing my back and feet because they were staring to hurt from the shoes and bra I wore. Somehow my bras weren't giving me the justice they once were. My nipples hurt, my breast were swollen and not to mention my shoes could hardly fit my feet now. It was like everything was just hurting me. Cody eyes wouldn't leave my presence which made me blush because I felt cared for.
"What's wrong?" She questioned me as I rubbed my back again.
"Nothing my back and feet hurt" I tell her.
"Come sit here" She tells me.
Did Cody White really think she could make me feel better during my pregnancy. All of it was a mess.. Why did I always judge her skills? I guess I was expecting some type of mistake. Downfall or something to make me realize she wasn't that perfect.. I knew she wasn't.. but she was.
I was convinced that Cody White has the hands of some Goddess. The way she messaged the cracks and pain out of my feet was just amazing. It literally almost made me fall asleep. When it came down to my back I was wondering how she would've did it but.. she figured it out.
Candles were lit on her bedroom stand to set the calm mood she said. In my head I wasn't really fond of fire but whatever Cody did seemed to turn out great. So I relaxed my body and let her work her hands over my skin.
The deeper she dug into my back the more I felt relieved from the stressful life itself that I had. This whole year has been nothing but stress but when I came to Cody's home that stress was always no longer there. Maybe that's because I knew I was happier with Cody White.
"How do you feel?" She questions.
"Amazing" I tell her opening my eyes.
"I knew you would" She tells me.
"You have amazing hands Cody have you ever tried to become a massage therapist?" I ask her.
She chuckles cleaning the oil off her hands "Once But.. I'm not trying to pursue a hand rubbing career" She tells me reminding me that Cody White was all for her basketball skills and nothing else.
She helped me off the table she had laid out that probably was used for decorations and began to fold it back up. Staring at Cody made me see the determination she put into everything she did for herself or someone else. She was a team leader when it came to her life, and protective when it came to me or someone else in danger. She had all of the qualities anyone could ask for. She was perfect for me I was just to stupid to realize that I had to let Jack go because I didn't want to break my own heart. What about hers? Did I not think about hers?
"Are you still hurting?" She questions me snapping me out of my own thoughts.
"No I'm not hurting anymore, I feel amazing Cody" I admit to her and I did. I was no longer hurting.. everything felt relaxed and amazing and for the first time I felt stress free.
I knew I would have to go one at some point during the whole visit I had with Cody. I mean what was I kidding? I had a fiancé at home waiting for me to arrive back from the store. Well that's what I told him before I came over and spent practically 3 hours with Cody white. I felt so cramped when Jack was around. All he would ever talk about was baby this and baby that.. i was so tired of hearing about baby shit! If only he knew how I really felt then I wouldn't have become the mother I was right now.
So my night ended with Cody White. No sex, no kissing and no teasing just a simple nice night with Cody. I haven't had one of those in so long that i forgot how it actually felt like to sit down with someone and vent your problems or simply just watch movies and have conversations till the crack of dawn. It felt nice and I felt nice when I finally opened the door to my car and got in. Cody waved bye to me and closed the door to her home leaving me to have no other choice but to go back home to my life I knew I had.
I closed the door to my home softly and walked upstairs knowing that Jack was probably sleep in our bed already.. but he wasn't. I opened the door slightly from not wanting to wake him up and their He was sweating and heaving onto of another woman. My heart dropped in that moment because I didn't realize the man I was actually seeing right now. The man I chose over Cody. The man I've been with for 6 years and a half throwing it all away for another woman. I swung the door open immediately as the knob hit the wall hard. Both of them jumped from the bed naked and the look on Jack's face was completely priceless. It didn't take me long to realize that I was no longer ever going to trust or be in love with Jack again. Tears spilled down my cheeks and for some odd reason I felt sick to my stomach. So i ran for the outside area and threw up the snacks I had over at Cody's house. I was so torn and heartbroken with the choices that I chose over something I could've had that was far much greater. Jack came calling my name from behind me wrapped in a towel looking at me with concern. I couldn't slap or hit him because I had cheated to... but somehow what he did felt too real.. it felt worse... because the lady was also in fact pregnant.
I just cried in my car and laid my head against my steering wheel. I had to call someone because I despised being here. Jack kept banging on my car window trying to let me know how it was all a mistake and that she had came over out of no where and how he didn't plan on ruining our lives.. but I was already ruined for choosing his sorry ass over someone who actually treated me well. Someone I couldn't choose because I didn't want to break his heart... but he broke mines.
I rolled the window down to my car and chunked the engagement ring he gave me 2 years ago at his bare chest. Automatically The window rolled up and I started the engine to my car, snapped on my seatbelt and called my parents. I knew they would understand... especially since I was no longer getting married and I was now pregnant by a man that spreads around his seeds as if it were a joke.
My parents picked up on the first call. They knew something was off because I barely called. When they heard the broken voice I had they knew that something had just broken me in half. So they wasted no time telling me to come over and spend the remainder of the days I had off during spring break with them.
I didn't have the strength to text or call anyone. Not even Cody White.
Welcome to the end readers! What did you guys this of this chapter? Leave any comments or suggestions down and as always don't forget to rate if you liked this chapter! As always thank you guys so much for checking out my story. I'll see you guys next time!

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