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Cody White
It's been 2 days and I haven't heard a word from Ms. Winter. Was she mad at me? I knew I shouldn't have fucked Heather.. Now look at me desperately wondering if the person I had feelings for was ignoring me. Maybe she didn't want anything to do with me or maybe the dream I wanted when she crushed my heart came true.. Now I wanted to take it all back because she wouldn't pick up my calls. I even drove by her home to check on her but no one was there because her car wasn't there. Where was she? The same night she saw Heather kept replaying in my head over and over.
I should've never did it.. I told myself.
For the remainder of time off for spring break gave me opportunities for job offers and interviews. Few main people called me back for timing on when I could come in but I only chose the highest paying one. It was 13$ a hour right off the handle.
When I walked in Friday morning other workers were either melting metal or mending it but as for me I was the cutter. It was a dangerous job but it was weekly pay and not to mention it was 13$ an hour which meant I would get to 15 in no time.
Another teammate handed me a piece of metal he mended together that needed cutting. So I pulled my helmet down and began to cutt the metal down into pieces. The sound of someone screaming their head off came to life. I immediately turned my drill off and ran over to the other teammates who were trying to see what was happening. One of the teammates arm was caught into the machine, crushed to life. As soon as someone turned it off they pulled his arm out, it was turned the wrong way and flabby like his bones had been crushed. The ambulance was called immediately and I was just thankful he screamed in time or else it would've been his head instead of his arm. In that moment I knew that no amount of money could prepare me for this job.
As soon as I came home I was all sweaty. A note was sitting on the counter from my dad. I picked it up and read it over.
- Going out of town for a couple of weeks -
- Behave -
- Theirs money on the counter, 2000$ if you need anything to eat or to go out with friends - Love dad!
I rolled my eyes, bawled the paper and threw it into the bin. He was never here anyways so why did he suddenly feel the need to make a note about it.
I Immediately showered and changed into my clothes. Plopped onto my bed and plugged my headsets in. Their was really nothing for me to do since basketball season was over. I didn't really have friends because every friend I made wanted to fuck me and I really wasn't trying to be caught fucking another woman if Ms. Winter ever did show up. I didn't want to be the cause again to breaking her heart. Which was probably the reason why she wouldn't talk to me.
Later on that night I decided to start painting again. It had been a while since I did it.. well since I use to be the person I was. I wasn't always a famous basketball player.. I used to be a drug dealer. Drawing for fun at home and dealing for fun at school. What stopped me? Basketball and sex.
The sound of a door being closed outside my window alarmed me and immediately I sat my painting brushes down and walked over to look out. Maybe it was Ms. Winter I thought but it wasn't. Instead it was her mother and dad. The loud banging on my door told me it was something serious. So I ran down the steps to the front door and swung it open. I was still covered in paint from the painting I just finished. The looks on their faces wasn't too happy so I cracked the door open to let them inside. Silence was all they could give me as they walked inside.
"Ummm..." Was all I could say as they stared down my home. I shut the door in after and then finally they looked at me.
"Have you spoke to our daughter?" Her mother ask me.
"No.. she hasn't texted me in two days.. Why is their something wrong?" I ask. Well Duh!
"Ummm.. Remedy came over two days ago and she's been locked in her old room since.. have you called her, texted?"
"She won't come out of the room, we tried everything" Her father finishes.
Somehow my heart was beating fast against my chest. Was it because of me? Was it because of what I did? Did I really break her heart.
"We don't mean to disrupt you... We just wanted to know if you could come over and maybe talk to her.. We haven't seen her since she arrived. We just want to make sure she's okay because she's been crying faintly in the room from time to time" Her mother explains. I gulped down my regret and said
"Take me too her".
I followed behind Ms. Winter's parents for 30 minutes until they pulled up into a nice cozy driveway. The home looked homey. Perfect for a childhood life she told me once ago. I parked my car next to theirs and got out, locking it. Her parents walked into their home and told me where her door was. I walked over to it nervously because I didn't know this side of Ms. Winter so doing this would have to be unexpected for me. I knocked slightly and the most beautiful voice came from behind the door with sadness.
"Go away, I don't wanna talk" She spoke.
"It's Cody Ms. Winter" I said. Silence entered the room and then a few sobs came out again. She was really broken.. maybe it was best that I leave. Maybe I caused this.. what was I thinking?
For two hours I sat there talking behind the door trying to get her to open it but nothing worked. Dinner came around and a plate was put out by the door by her parents it made my stomach grumble realizing how hungry I was myself. I knew she was hungry. So she had to open the door but she didn't. Night came quicker than a heart beat and still no budge to opening the door. The sounds of vomiting could be heard from inside which I knew had to be morning sickness and the lack of nutrients to her and the babies.
"Ms. Winter you have to eat" I said.
"I'm not hungry" She said.
"But the babies are" I tell her. I could tell those simple words shocked her parents because here they were cuddled up against each other excited over the news I just said.
For 8 hours I sat by her door hoping she would just crack it but she didn't.. I had to come up with something because their was no way in hell I was going to let her starve.
"Ms. Winter.. If this is about me I'm sorry" I explain.
"What's about you?" Her mother gets up now from the couch, her father looked at me with curiosity.
"Please don't tell Cody.. please" She tells me. I wanted to keep my mouth shut but they kept angry glaring at me.
"This is your fault!!" Her father screams at me.
"What the fuck did you do to my daughter?" Her mother begins to ask me sobbing by the sight of me.
Her door immediately swung open.. she looked sick and sad. She folded her arms against her chest as she looked down on me. Her eyes were puffy and her face was swollen.
"It's not about Cody it's about Jack" She finally said. She held the door open for all of us to come inside so we wasted no time doing that.
Ms. Winter wrapped herself up under the covers of her childhood bed sheets and avoided the answer we all wanted to know.
"Baby talk to us" Her father said as he sat down next to her on the bed. Her sniffles took over the whole answer for 10 minutes until she finally said something all of us couldn't take back.
"He cheated on me" She spoke finally.
"What?" Her mother questioned her.
"I knew it" Her father shouted. As for me I sat there looking at the broken Ms. Winter. I was the one arguing with her telling her to leave him and look what he did.. He broke her heart. How could I fix that?
How was I going to? Her eyes looked at mines with puffiness and I could tell she had something else to hide.
"What else did he do?" I asked her.
Her face turned upside down and her parents looked at me wondering what else she had to hide. Honestly i was just as confused as they were, maybe she was going to tell them she was in love with me.. Was she?
"She's pregnant.. and I'm sure it's his" She choked out throwing the cover up to cover half of her face that scrunched up letting tears fall again.
Now I was mad.. I was angry.
Her parents kept arguing with one another about how they should've never let her get with him and how he broke her heart. Honestly I wasn't worried because I already had a plan. I put on my coat that I brought over and grabbed my keys. Ms. Winter was now sleep from all the crying she let out and possibly the banging headache I knew she had. I had to do something and I knew it wasn't going to be pretty.
Showing up to the old spot I use to hang at wasn't my plan.. but I wasn't going to sit back and let the man that Ms. Winter chose and loved over me fuck Her heart over without a real fight. If he was going cheat.. then he better do it like a man.. a real fight with my crew. I knocked on the familiar wooden door and it swung up with the smell of weed smoking and hot fucking.
"Look who the cat brought in" Kevin speaks removing the cigar from his lips.
"Who?" Paris voice speaks out from behind him running up to the door to see who.
"Wow I guess trouble does bring ghost back to town" Paris speaks looking at me with seduction as if she hadn't seen me in ages. I scoff and run my hand through my locs.
"Is Lauren and Ethan here?" I ask them both.
"Who's asking?" Lauren speaks from the inside before stepping in front of Paris and Kevin. As soon as Lauren saw me she didn't waste anytime slapping my face then hugging me.
Paris and Kevin removes themselves from the conversation they knew they weren't allowed to be apart of so that me and Lauren could catch up.
"What's the problem?" Lauren questions me.
"I need some hands" I tell her.
"Hands for what?" She ask me picking up her weed bag and pouring it into the paper she made.
"Something important" I tell her. I didn't feel like getting into details because it's been 10 months since I've been here and honestly they all owed me plenty of favors.
"Okay, I'll give you hands on one condition" She tells me.
"What's that?" I ask her.
"It's been a while since I've seen you and I miss your skill, so how about we make a deal" She offers.
I chuckle "You can't be serious right?" I question her. She doesn't answer instead she looks at me whole folding the last loose piece over.
"Are you in love?" She questions me.
I giggle "Is that what you think I've been doing the whole time I've quit, falling in love with women?" I question her. Mentioning it made me nervous but I couldn't be nervous around my old crew. Not when they didn't know the life I've been hanging since I left. "You never say no to me" She reminds me.
"I never said no" I correct her.
She sits there quietly then smiles "A deal is a deal, are you going to follow it?" She questions me.
"Why are we wasting time?" I ask her.
"That's what I like to hear" She smiles.
I didn't plan on fucking Lauren or even making deals again but what choice did I have? I wanted to get back at Jack and let Ms. Winter know that he wasn't going to get away with what he did.
So I did what I had to do and I fucked Lauren if that's what it took to assure her that I was there no matter what.
Remedy Winter
I was so hungry and so tired ever since I crashed at my parents place. Since I told them everything that Jack did I decided to feed myself. I had other humans to protect, I couldn't just starve like I normally would. I was pregnant now, I was an adult now. The cold water ran down my throat with the pasta that I ate sitting down in my belly. Finally I ate and it was refreshing to do so. I was up moving around and poking out more every single day. I was only 3 months and a half. I had 1 week left before I hit the 4 month mark. Everything was happening so fast and I didn't know what to do now. How could I raise these kids on my own? I didn't want Jack in my life now, and truly I meant it. He had another set of hands and feet to take care of and not to mention she was further along than me. Probably 9 months if I asked as big as she was. How could he do this to me? Why did I choose him over someone else?
I should've left when I had the chance... now look at me pregnant with a blessing and the regret of knowing it wasn't with someone I loved.
Jack hasn't called me since I left the home. If he really cared he would've plead for my forgiveness on the front steps of my parents home. He knew where we lived but yet he never showed up, not even the night it all happened. Such a asshole.
"Baby are you alright?" My mom asked me watching me zone myself out.
I looked at her and smiled "I'm fine" I told her. Her face sat in her palm and I knew she knew I was lying so I told her the truth finally.
"How am I going to raise two kids on my own?" I ask my mother. She smiles and tells me "You'll know when you have them, you have me and your father to rely on baby, the world isn't over you know that right? We will help you, we won't let you do this on your own, it'll be hard but I know how to raise kids, how did you think I raised you, lord knows you were crazy" My mother teases me. Saying those words made me laugh a little. I remember the day when I was a little kid. I was so hard headed, I didn't listen to anyone or anything.. the days when I had to fight over the swing when we invited my cuzins over. Then we moved and I had to make a new life for myself with dolls and imaginary thoughts. My toys were my friends until I became to old to keep playing with any of them.
I was feeling better now because of Cody so I decided to give her call. Cody picked up on the first ring.
"Are you feeling better?" She asked me.
"Yeah how are you feeling?" I ask her.
"I'm good, I'm heading your way right now.. i was going to call but I didn't want to wake you or anything. I was going to wait till you called me" She explains to me.
"Well what time do you think you'll be here for?" I ask her.
"I'm outside your driveway as we speak" She tells me. Hearing those words made a smile appear onto my face.
As soon as Cody walked into my parents home their was no denying that I had a full smile on my face. Of course morning sickness still beat me to it but I made sure when I saw her to keep a smile on my face. I was wondering what had been up to while I was isolating myself inside of my room.
"What have you been up to?" I ask her.
"Umm.. Nothing important" She tells me rubbing the back of her neck as if she had something to hide. Now I was curious.. when she did that.. she did something and it wasn't good.
"What did you do Cody?" I ask her seriously.
"Huh?" She questions me as if I didn't already know her tricks.
"Nothing that should concern you, let's focus on you right now" She tells me. I knew if she didn't want to tell me then their was no point of asking. So I left it alone for the night.
Cody was sitting in the chair across from my room watching me doze off every 5 minutes. I knew I was because I kept opening my eyes. The more I dozed off the heavier they got. Soon enough cover was over me warming up my semi-cold body. The room became quiet and Cody's shadow became distant which lead to my eyes closing for the night.
When I woke up Cody was gone. I swung my feet out of bed and dragged my body to the bathroom where I took a much needed bath. I checked my phone and their was Cody's messages from hours ago just sitting on my screen waiting on me to read them. I quickly opened them lifting my back from the mat the bath provided itself with.
Cody: Hey i didn't want to wake you but I had to go into work today.
Cody: I miss you
Cody: Work is boring.
10 minutes ago
Cody: Text me or call me I'm off for a break.
Immediately I begin to text back.
Remedy: I'm up now.
Cody: How was your sleep?
Remedy: It was good, How was yours?
Cody: Eh! Well from sleeping on a chair I would say a 4.7 out of a 10z.
I chuckle.
Remedy: Don't guilt trip anyone but yourself.. you could've slipped into bed with me.
Cody: And What would you tell your parents if they so happen to accidentally walk in?
Remedy: We won't have to worry about it.. cause we'll be sleep and by the time I wake up if it came down to asking. I would simply tell them that you held me while I slept.
Cody: I might come back over later on tonight and take you upon that offer.
Remedy: It was never an offer
Cody: It is now ;)
I was cheesing so hard in the bathtub that I forgot I had a relaxing bath to take.
Cody: Hey I have to head back inside, I get off at 7, I might swing by but don't wait up on me.
Remedy: I'll try my best to not too
I closed my phone and began to relax back again calming my warm body inside of the refreshing water. I needed this.. I need my relaxation.
I stepped out of the tub bare naked and walked out into my room. Shocked to death I wrapped my towel around me securely.
"What the hell Cody!" I say to her. She giggles watching me panic because my parents were still home.
"Relax" She told me.
"My parents are here" I remind her.
"I know.. they told me you were in the tub so I decided to step by for a second and bring you some cookies I picked up from the bakery next door from my job, I didn't want to wait till I got off because they wouldn't exist in my hands" She tells me.
Now she had me looking at the fresh hot cookies she had sitting in a container.
"Thank you, sit them on the dresser" I tell her pulling up my towel more. Her eyes look over to me as she walks over to my dresser. She smiles that amazing smile that always made me blush when I saw it.. The desire she had in her eyes told me sex and love making, it made me hot.
"Why are you hiding?" She questions me as I shielded my body from being seen.
"Something that shouldn't concern you.. not while my parents still reside in this home" I remind her again. She throws her hands up "Alright" She chuckles out. I knew my face was on fire.. it always happened when Cody came around.
"Give me something to remember before I leave" She tells me.
"Like what?" I ask her picking up my panties and slipping them on under the towel.
"Kiss me before I go" She tells me.
Cody knew exactly what she was doing.. which is why I hesitated for a second before I said yes. I didn't know how to bring myself back to reality when she kissed me. It was like I was always sucked into her trance. Hopefully she pulls away before it becomes something we both won't be able to lie about to my parents.
Cody's breath stung my lips with passion and desire. Thankfully her break was coming to an end.
Her lips kissed mines softly and just like that I was mesmerized and aroused. I melted in the arms of Cody White as her lips lingered over mines. Soon enough her tongue slipped into my mouth and I knew that was the end of our professionalism again. I sucked along the length of her tongue as it slipped back into my mouth. Tongue kissing wasn't really my turn on buttons but when Cody did it.. it made me wet. Kissing for 5 minutes turned into 10 which turned into my ass getting grabbed and my arms wrapped around her neck again. Her hands gripped ahold of my ass tighter until she slipped them up my bare back. The towel I had around me was slipping slowly down my bare body. To focused in on her lips pressing against mines guaranteed the fall I didn't want to happen but couldn't control. I was too aroused to think about a towel falling down my body.. I wanted her to see me naked so that she could fuck me mow. I wanted to know what she could do to me.
Pressed up against the window my bedroom provided turned me on more. I was locked into her grasp and her lips kept leaving mines to kiss my neck. My arms unwrapped from her neck and began to run across her head full of hair. Her lips came back to mines sucking me into her trance again. My body lifted itself off the window and finally I had ahold on Cody. The kiss deepened even harder as she kept her hold on me through my waistline. Her tug against my bottom lip made me even hotter. We need to stop I told myself inside of my head. Quickly I pushed Cody off me and tried to catch my composure as my insides burned up from our intimate and ready for sex connection.
"Shit I'm late" She says. Quickly she grabs her keys and swings the door open to my room stepping out and leaving me alone hot and bothered.
I kept daydreaming in and out of my own presence because all I could think about was how having sex with Cody White could be like. How good was she at eating women throbbing holes or fucking till they no longer felt their body tensing up. I wanted to know. The more I wanted to know the more I thought about it..
I couldn't wait anymore.. I wanted Cody white to show me what she could do..
Going into my drawer again and pulling out the practically new dildo gave me one idea. I quickly hurried over and locked my bedroom door, leaned against it and thought. Was I really that desperate to have sex right now?
Yes.... I was... I was pregnant, broken, horny and in love all in the same moment.
Doing something like this in my parents home couldn't be crazy... right?
Welcome to the end of this chapter readers! What did you guys think? Leave any comments or suggestions down below. Don't be afraid to rate! As always Thank you guys for taking interest into my story and I'll see you guys next chapter.

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