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I was always very fond of church. I never thought twice when mother told me it was time to sit down and pray. I always did what was expected of me, but here I am laying on my twin mattress, thin floral sheets clenched between my fingers, back arched, mouth agape. While the girl who is currently in between my thighs is changing all of my plans.

It was the last week of the summer when I met her. In a small town like this I was sure I had never seen her before, she was unforgettable. From her tall, thin figure, to her bushy eyebrows, she was perfect. If mother knew the type of thoughts going through my head I'd be shunned, But I didn't care. The way the burning cigarette hung from her lips, and her denim jacket lazily thrown over her her delicate shoulders, I knew she'd be my drug.

Ours eyes connected and I couldn't break away from her intense gaze. Her long legs walked slowly toward my statue frame. The smirk played on her thick pink lips all the way up the curved side walk until she reached my planted feet. Time was frozen, My newly bought church dress suddenly felt to heavy for my body. The air was thick. Would she speak? Would I? She took a long drag from her cigarette before letting the half smoked cancer stick fall from her lips.

" You know those are bad for you right?" Was the first thing I thought of saying.

" Yeah." Her voice was timid, yet confident.

I tried to ignore her wandering eyes.

" What's your name?" The question I had been dying to ask .

" Diana." She took a step closer. We were now in a heavy staring contest, In the empty church parking lot. " And you are?" My lip was trapped between my teeth and my mind went blank.

" Cassie... Heartfelt" Diana's lips twitched slightly into a small smile.

" That's cute." My caramel cheeks turned into a dark shade of red and my eyes imminently focused on the cracked pavement. Her hand slipped into her pocket and she pulled out a large rose gold phone.

"Can I have your number?"I grabbed the phone and put my number into it.

I knew this was it for me, there was no turning back for me.

To Bad for my Health, So Good for my HeartWhere stories live. Discover now