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"crackhead hurry up!" jeongin knocked on the door again as they heard the elevator ding on their floor

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"crackhead hurry up!" jeongin knocked on the door again as they heard the elevator ding on their floor.

"he's going to take forever my god."-hyunjin

"this is why we should let him come to us next time." i.n whispered as a certain someone walked down the hallway.

"oh hey guys."-seungmin

"hey seungminnie." hyunjin waved very fast as he got excited seeing the younger. seungmin giggled as he reach the two kids.

"what are you guys doing up so early?"

"coming to get minho but he's taking forever. we were supposed to leave like thirty minutes ago." jeongin sighed as hyunjin clicked his tongue.

"but now that your here we have someone special to keep us company." hyunjin chirped as he nudged the younger. jeongin almost cursed him out but he caught on to what hyunjin meant.

"yes, so what brings you here so early?"

"i'm taking jisung to work and then we're going to hang out after."

"so your coming back?"


"to hang out...with jisung."

"mhm. he's going to be late if i don't get going so let me knock on his door at least." seungmin went to knock on the door but it opened first revealing a work ready han jisung.

"oh your here, sorry if i kept you waiting." jisung smiled sweetly at seungmin.

the couple just stared in awe, minho's description was too accurate. he was the cutest thing ever! even jeongin wanted to protect him and he's younger than him.

"wait before we leave these are my friends." seungmin stretched out the word so jisung would get the hint that they are the two guys he liked. to say seungmin didn't talk about the hyunin couple all the time would be an understatement.

"hyunjin, jeongin meet-"

the two were so distracted by the two people before them that they didn't notice a door opening behind them.

"alright lets go...jisung?" minho opened his door to be met with a group of people.

jisung?" minho opened his door to be met with a group of people

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