[ 19 ] Boyfriend

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Chanyeol cousin:
Hey, I'm already outside the gates. Hurry up.

Jongin impatiently taps his foot as he waits for the bell to ring. At the sign of the end of his last period, he immediately grabs his bag and heads straight out of the lecture hall to meet his cousin.

"Did you wait that long?"

"Nope. Let's go," Chanyeol says after handing him the helmet. Jongin mounts the scooter behind him.

"Thanks for picking me up. I absolutely hate commuting."

"No problem."


"By the way... Is Kyungsoo home right now?"

"He's at Baekhyun's toy store. Why?"

At the mention of that particular name, Chanyeol's chest seems to futter for some odd reason. He clears his throat and decides to just start the engine.

"Is it something so important that we have to talk about it in private?"

Putting down the glass of ice cold water, Jongin sits on the couch in front of his cousin looking so tensed and uncomfortable. Chanyeol takes a sip of the water and straightens on his seat, inhaling a deep shaky breath.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Well uh... you see..." Chanyeol runs his sweaty palms against his lap, "I-it's not about me. It's about my uh... My friend."

Jongin raises his eyebrow hearing the last word. More than anyone else in this world, he knows Chanyeol the most, and that includes the fact that Chanyeol has a little amount of friends, which literally means he has no other friends aside from him, Kyungsoo, and the few people from the apartment building. Other than that, Chanyeol's friends are just consisting of virtual friends in facebook and online games.

What a poor guy.

"Okay? Do I know this friend of yours?"

"No, you don't!"

That's basically a lie.

"I see," Jongin hums, being considerate. Maybe Chanyeol doesn't want to expose himself. He looks so nervous right now so probably something must have happened recently to him. "So what's up?"

"So, this friend of mine. He uh... has a problem that keeps bothering him for a while now. Ever since that night he went drinking with his neighbors, he hasn't been able to take his mind off that incident."


"Yeah. My friend was," Chanyeol pauses to cough, "He was kissed by a guy he has like, a huge crush on, who was that time, drunk as f*ck... whom probably, you know, didn't even remember what happened.... So my friend has been really really conflicted about it and he doesn't know what to do anymore."

"Oh my f*ck*ng god! Baekhyun kissed you that night!?" Jongin screams, but he instantly covers his mouth after blurting it out in great shock. "W-what I mean is! That certain guy drunk-kissed your friend!?"

Chanyeol furiously nods his head.

"Yeah, dude! That was what happened! And my friend, yeah, he's been asking me for advice but I can't help him so I decided to come to you for assistance!"

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