Chapter 34

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Y/n's P.O.V

As I woke up, I noticed Taehyung's not beside me anymore, But I didn't care. His probably busy.. Busy... Busy!

Oh my goodness! I'am his assistant! I completely forgot about that!

I left my bed, almost stumbling because of the blanket, I rummage through my closet and just grab whatever that I touch. Taking a deep breath before taking a fast shower.

Even if I tried my best not to sing.. I sang. That took me a lot of time because I had to perfect my singing.. I don't know why.

But back to reality. I brushed my hair ignoring the fact that my hairbrush almost break and run downstairs. I head straight my random room downstairs and wore a heels, Then entering the kitchen to get a toast... But I saw him

His back facing me, My kitchen. He's destroying my kitchen!

“Ugh.. What to do? Why did I even cook?” He rubbed his eyes “Damn it! I forgot I placed onion on my hands!”

I tried not to laugh.

He turned around with his eyes closed and swish his arms around, trying to find the faucet “Where is it?” He whispered

“What're you looking for?” I asked

“The faucet! Where's your faucet?!”

“Turn around and walk straight, Place your hands down and that's where the faucet is” I crossed my hands and watched him suffer

“What? But I'am sure that's not where the faucet is..” Instead of believing his instincts, He believed mine. He turned around and walk straight ahead, Slowly his hands almost touched the hot pan

“This ain't no faucet! ” He opened his eyes and I was about to die from laughter. His eyes were red and there was a tear that fell from the corners of his eyes.

He splashed the water on his face and wipe them off.

He glared at me and turned my stove off, The fog filling my kitchen. He placed his bacon on the plate

“Wow, It actually turned out great” I grab a spoon and was about to take a bite when he slap my hands away “That's mine, Y/n! Cook your own”


“What do you mean 'cook your own'? You almost lit my kitchen on fire!”

“But I didn't”

“Well it's still close, Too close to be exact! Now you're not giving me? This is house abuse!” I said. He ate infront of me, Dude INFRONT of me.

“Leave my house” I pointed to the door “Leave my house” He mimicked

“I swear Taehyung”

“I swear Y/n”

I glared at him but he glares back while chewing the food. Ah ha.. I have an idea.

I smirked “Well get ready, Today's schedule is very hectic.” I walked away “We might get late if you eat slow”


“Y/n! You're finally okay!” Hoseok hugged me when the van picked me and Taehyung up from my house. Yes, I fit because Yoongi's not with them.

“Yeah.. Sorry for being absent and I didn't told you my reason”

“It's fine! Yeontan missed you”-Jungkook

“You touched Yeontan?” Taehyung glared at him “I played with him” Jungkook crossed his hands and closed his eyes, feeling a bit proud because for the first time he disobeyed Taehyung.

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