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IT WAS hard to explain to her aunt how she got the huge bruise that rested on her forehead. all she told her was that she had a run in with peter. it wasn't a total lie. she did run into peter. or he did to her... at full force.

theo had left her apartment in the morning with a massive headache, like she had eaten an ice cream too fast, but 10x worse. she had a bottle of advil in her left hand and a water bottle in the right. she stuffed the bottle of advil in the pocket of her backpack, walking down the stairs and outside. she looked down at the note she had plucked off of her mirror.

"sorry :( -spiderman"

she giggled at it before she winced as the sun shone in her face, hurting her head. "jesus, stupid spiderman." she mumbled as she started to walk towards the school.

"theo, hey!" a voice said, catching her attention. she turned around quickly, looking for the source of the voice and she saw peter and ned.

theo smiled widely, but as peter got closer, his face contorted into a concerned face. "t-theo, im-" he stopped himself. "woah, theo, what happened?" ned exclaimed, pointing to her forehead. they started to walk together to school.

theo looked up, trying to look at the bruise. she started to laugh. "you'll never believe what happened." theo said, as if she was telling an epic tale. "i watched spider-man try and stop an atm robbery and then i saved some man from a fire which spider-man kinda caused and then spider-man completely rocked my shit." she rambled and laughed. she acted as though she didn't know that it was peter under the mask. it was peter who rocked her shit.

peter chuckled nervously, looking at ned and wanting to change the subject. "so um, theo, i was wondering if you'd like to get food after school. i could show you around new york or something. yknow, since you're new." he said, fiddling with the hem of his sweater anxiously. he looked up at her for her response.

theo felt a rush of relief, she wouldn't have to sneak around to follow him. but with that, came a rush of guilt. she was only here to spy on him, that was it. but... she could have a little bit of fun, right?

"peter, i'd love that." she told him as they walked up to the entrance of midtown tech.

peter smiled to himself. "cool, cool. i'll see you first period?" he asked hopefully. theo nodded, waving to them and walking inside to her locker.

soon after, peter quickly turned to ned, panic written all over his face. "oh my god, ned, i didn't mean to bruise her face! i'm such a jerk!" he exclaimed as he looked to his best friend for comfort.

ned laughed. "yeah, sure man. i totally understand. you don't know how to get a girl so you just crash into her." he said and they both walked to class.

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