Part 2

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School is always terrible in my opinion, even if you enjoy the stuff you’re being taught. For my part, I enjoy all of my classes. I’m in advanced everything. Its the school politics that I hate. Luckily for me, I only have one year left. Olivia is still a junior and has two left. 

The day starts out boring enough. My first class is AP Statistics. After that I go to AP Chemistry and then AP Psychology. By lunch time, I’m weighing about 10 pounds heavier from all the homework that I got. I meet Olivia outside the doors to the lunchroom and we join the throng of people shuffling into the large room. We find a table in the corner and pull out our lunch bags. “So.” Olivia says, munching on a bag of Sun Chips. “There’s a new guy in school today.”

“Oh and why do we care about that?” I say, absentmindedly playing with the crusts on my sandwich. “New people come to this school all the time. Our town has been growing like crazy.”

“Well this guy is crazy hot.” She says.

“Well go for him then, if you’re into him. You know that I’ll be supportive of him as long as he doesn’t treat you like crap.”

“Here he comes!” Olivia squeals under her breath. A brooding guy is making his way over to us. I panic for a moment because it looks like he’s about to come sit near us. Thankfully, he takes a seat at the empty table right in front of us and pulls out his phone. I take the opportunity to size him up. His dark brown hair is pushed back in that stereotypical bad boy swoop that all the girls love. He’s wearing dark wash jeans and a leather jacket. From the looks of it, our school just got a new resident bad boy. And I knew for certain I was going to do everything in my power to stay away from him.

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