Part 3

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I thought for certain I would be able to completely avoid the new guy in all of my classes, but I was so wrong. After lunch, I said goodbye to Olivia and headed to my AP Government class. The class is not super full because a lot of people don’t really want to take AP Government at my school, so I usually just take my usual spot in the back and quietly get my worksheet of the day done so I can do my homework. With all the time therapy takes up, I don’t have tons of time at home to do my mountains of homework. 

I’m in the middle of today’s worksheet when I hear the classroom door open. I look up and I can’t believe what I am seeing. The new guy is in this class. I hear our teacher clear his throat and I turn my attention to him. “Class, we have a new student today. This is Braxton Peters and he just moved here from Arizona. Braxton, just take a seat anywhere and I’ll get you started on today’s worksheet.” I silently pray that he doesn’t pick any of the open seats next to me, because I don’t know if I can bear having to talk to this guy.

My prayers were definitely not answered because Braxton took the seat directly in front of me. I keep quiet, hoping he won’t notice me and keep doing my work. I’m able to not be noticed for almost the entire  class period before I see a pencil tapping on my desk. I look up and see Braxton turned around looking at me. “Do you happen to know where a textbook is? The worksheet says I need a direct quote from one of the Founding Fathers to prove my point and I can’t remember the quote word for work.”

I clear my throat. “They’re over by the window.” I barely squeak out.

“Thank you.” Braxton says. I quickly put my head back down and go back to my work, hoping that he won’t talk to me again. I’ve already had enough social interaction for one day. The bell rings and I slip out of the door as fast as I could. If I’m lucky, that’s the only class I have with him. I’m ok with new people, its just ones that actually try to interact with me that I have a problem with. And I think I’m going to have a problem with Braxton Peters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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