Part 18: The war has begun

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(Michael's POV)

" Michael...Michael...Michael!? "A voice said to me

" Jesus? "I said

" Yes, it's time for the day of judgment to begin"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

" All will be explained in due time but for now I need you to do exactly what I say and whatever you do, don't tell anyone, not even Alex and Rachel can know about this"

"But I don't understand, why is this happening?"

" I must go now, the war is coming"

Suddenly the white glow began to fade and I was stuck into a good of darkness.

I woke up in the middle of the night, Breathing heavily from my vision. I saw my two boyfriends sleeping next to me on each side. I smiled. Still tired as hell I went back to sleep.

Back into my dream I saw the flow again.


" Yes again"he said cheerfully

"But I thought you had to leave"

"My father told me to stay out of it"he said"Which gives me more time to tell you more on the plan"

"Okay, so what do you want me to do anyway"


"We're going to the music festival in Beverly hills?" Rachel said

"Yes, I thought we all have some fun"I smiled"My family of come too"

"Well we just can't miss a huge event like this now would we"Alex said

" Great, I also got my friends to come over as well"

"We're they squealing with delight" Rachel smirked


"Knew it"

"I need to go girls, I must get ready for the tonight"

I got up from the chair and left the front door. I then closed my eyes and went back into the void.

"There, I got everyone, now what else do you need me to do"

" just go to the Music festival tonight, I'll explain more later okay "



" you're weird"I chuckled

"Hey cut it out!" He whined "Like you aren't"

How in the hell could The messiah have such a personality like that. I makes me wonder what else about this I didn't know about him.

However before I could say anything I snapped back to reality. I need to get ready for the festival.

Meanwhile...heaven's gate...

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