【Chapter One】

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     The sound of rubber scraping across grayed asphalt fills my ears. Blurred lights and excited yells surrounding the atmosphere keeps me on the edge of my seat. I step lightly on the gas, revving the engine of the silver '98 Supra, the loud I-6 growling under the hood and causing the frame to rumble violently. A smirk crawls upon my lips and I glance at the others on the line-up. A green and black 2016 Nissan GTR, a white and black tuxedo 1999 Nissan Skyline, and several others I couldn't see well from the glaring lights...

     The cheers pick up as the flag-holder steps up to the line; slim body, large chest, and long blond hair flaunted as her overly white teeth shine in the headlights of the rows of cars and the spotlights of the streetlamps. I roll my eyes at this cliché, but I begin to focus on her, nonetheless.

     She rests a hand onto her tilted hips, waving the flag to rial up the crowd and the other racers. I only shift my gaze directly in front of me, only watching the woman from the corner of my eyes for the signal. Luckily, I didn't have to wait too long.

     With a start, I slam my foot onto the accelerator, taking off onto the wide rural streets of South Dakota, the corn and bean fields begin to blur in my vision. The other vehicles follow suit, pacing with one-another, some of course inching further than others. Of course, my vehicle isn't the fastest, as it is only an upgraded ricer. Personally, I didn't mind, as I was only in it for the rush.

     And a rush I got.

     It didn't take too long for another vehicle to clip at my tailpipe, which took me by surprise. I took a glance at my rear-view mirror, only to see the vehicle ram into the rear right of my Supra, sending me into a swerve that I desperately tried to correct. Because of the type of tires I had, it took me a bit of time, but I soon found myself in a safe spot.

     "I swear that's against the rules!" I complained, imagining the damage on my rear fender would cost quite a bit to fix. I grimace at the thought, only for the dark-colored sports car to slam into my rear end again, forcing my forehead into my steering wheel and my car into the vehicle directly in front of me; a yellow and black Urbana 500.

     My vehicle veered off the road due to me not having any sort of solid hold of the steering and into a shallow ditch. My car didn't go in smoothly either, because I had a splitting headache by time I felt the warmth of my overheating engine.

     I couldn't move. I was panicking.

     'What was going on?'

     'Am I going to be alright?'

     I... I didn't know.

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