This for fun just like my my other books And stories (p.s the this is a fan fiction of me in this story and all the countryhumans are all male and in this stroud I will be the reader ? Or something like that and I hope you enjoy!!!
As I opened my eyes I could see I was in a forest near an old looking flee-market *wait... where am I? A-And how did I get here???* I decided to go and investigate but from afar of course. After looking for a while a I was caught looking around by a 35 year old woman who asked who I was and where were my parents I look at her I responded with "I don't have parents and my name's Haley" "Oh you poor dear how about we go to my place so you could settle somewhere for now" I was about to say 'no' but the woman was just trying to help me a sense I don't even have a place to stay so I took up on her offer. She looked at me with a happy and kind smile, she told me to follow her (which I did) and once we got there her house wasn't big but it sure was cozy
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Once inside she told me to sit down on the couch while she'll get me some clothes. When she came back she apologized about not having the most beautiful dresses but me being me I didn't care, I asked if I could change some where and she told me the bedroom upstairs going to the left. Once I went in to the room it looked amazing
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After getting changed into the 19th century's dress I decided to head down(town)stairs and look around but the woman asked me to go to the flee-market I agreed of course (and I'm to lazy to use google translate but I'll probably do that later on and for now pretend that you and the characters are talking Russian) While walking and talking the woman which I found what that her name was Maryann *just like a friend of mine, so long ago* I started to tear up but quickly wiped them away "Are you alright" she asked me in concern "y-yes I fine just got dust in my eyes" I replied well I wasn't lying I did get some dust in my eyes. Once we had gotten there we got half of the things she needed and was about to keep looking for what she needed when I saw some pets being sold and asked her if I could go look and she let me! I walked over there cause I didn't wanna ruin Maryann's dress. When I finally arrived over there I saw some many animals but one caught my eyes particularly which I had no idea of what is was but it was sooo-cute!
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I asked the man of how much it was and said "1,230 dollars" what?! Who has that kind of money I distracted myself so much that I hardly even notice a man coming toward me wearing a brown coat and a earflap hat where I was. *maybe if I can make a deal I could convince-* "excuse me I saw you looking at that feline did you want it?" A very (don't judge me) THICC Russian accent which made me turn to him with my face slowly becoming a tomato. "Uhhh-ummm w-well Yes this feline caught my eye but I don't have money and nor does my caretaker" I respond with a sad face I look into it's eyes for some reason knowing that it wants me to (in a family way) "I'll buy it for you" "huh? W-What-no you don't have to!" I said "you don't need to waste you money on me sir" "But as a gentleman I will and I'm not taking no for any answer" "... *sighs* thank you" I said feeling my face warm up as he handed me my new pet are hand accidentally touch which made me and him slightly turn red but I couldn't tell cuz like he's a cherry boi-ok back to the story-I pull back my hands and Apologized to him like 10 or more times before he stops me and says it's fine. After chatting for a while Maryann came to get me but saw Soviet Union and bowed quickly while apologizing repeatedly until he told he that it was fine. As we said our farewells Soviet kisses the back of my back and smiled kindly at me but soon walks away.
When we got home I named my 'cat' (cuz I don't know what it is sorry) Cliffjumper because... well I like it as it is (Transformers prime reference) I was then given some clothes by Maryann (even though I already have clothes I decided to wear her old clothes or someone's at least) and then go to bed with cliff curled into my chest purring which was adorable!!!
From not so far from to house
"Soo~ this is who caught his attention I have to admit he has good taste and soon She'll be mine~"
821 words not counting this also you could guess who that is if you are a fan of countryhumans