Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes and saw Poland chained up I ran towards him but was stopped by a mysterious force while not noticing two figures walking towards Poland. *what the-What is going-* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" a high-pitch scream snaps me out of my thoughts and surprises me so much I felt like I jumped 6ft in the air-back to the story-I saw Third Reich and Ussr torture Poland with sickening grins and smiles on their faces I look in disgustingly at them and look away and cover my ears. Then the screams stopped Poland was DEAD and the two were gone I turned around and looked back with the two psycho killers with sickening grins saying 'I hope you LOVE our gift~' they said before one of them showing me Poland's head and the other with his wings (?).

Nightmare~ ending~

"*Gasps, Heavily breathing* w-w-What was t-that kind of s-sick joke!" I whisper-yelled to myself *maybe that's why Poland wanted to leave last night* I look out the window in a lying down position with cliffjumper sound sleeping on my chest. "..." I look at the ceiling thinking about my dream or nightmare until a knock on the door and a voice telling me to go meet with Ussr. 'why?! Did he find out!? Wait calm down maybe it's something else' as I place cliffjumper on my bed I get changed and head to Ussr's office. *knock knock* "Who is it?" "Umm... Haley s-sir!" In response the door opens up showing his room/office like my dad's but bigger. After looking around he asks me to take a sit as I do he starts to just ask normal questions but then got a bit... strange like the questions 'Do you like anyone' or 'have you ever had a relationship before' and etc. After that I was along to leave as I headed by to my room I lay myself back on the bed it's been 3 and 1/2 days sense Poland left I hope he's ok Then the doorbell rang I looked outside my to see who it was and it was... oh no, Third Reich with


366 words not counting this and yes a short chapter

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