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Looking at the window as always that my daily routine looking at the window until the class end the teacher doesn't bother me wanna know why? Cause my grade is higher than everyone even though i didn't listen to class.


It's lunch break everyone was excited to leave the room then there is me leaving behind i sigh i have no friends i don't want to get along with anyone for some reason..... but....

"Hey! Wang Yuan!"grrrr! This guy again i just walk away but he follow me along with his friend.

"Hey! Don't be so cold! Wanna eat with us?! Come on!"he said and pulled me i wanted to let go but i let him he will NEVER gonna stop bothering me if i didn't come with him.

"Sit here! It's my treat today!"he cheerfully said and leave us here that guy was WANG JUNKAI his my senior and this is his friend YIYANG QIANXI he is the same grade us me but their attitude was different very different.

"Sorry about that.... his just excited"
qianxi said and i just nod not wanting to talk and everyone in this school know that they tried to be friends with me but all i do is be rude at them but this guy was always ALWAYS there to bother me i kinda like that i guess?

"I'm here!"he cheerfully said while bringing the food he buy i like to refuse he will just gonna push me his like that for almost a months and i just let him at first i refuse him but i guess words can't work at him.

"This is for you! Cheer up! Now let's eat!"he said and give me the food i guess his not bad for all those months all what he did is to treat me and annoyed me.

"Thanks.."i just said only to receive silent saw i look up to see both of them are eyes widen then i realize what the reason why they are froze i sigh.

"It's just a simple thanks... don't over react"i said and continue to eat as much i don't want to eat the food senior junkai gave to me i can't refuse the food.

"I know! But you talk to me... Wow"he said like dreaming and i rolled my eyes and look at them.

"I am not muted just don't like to talk"
I said and finish the foods it was just a one slice of cake and strawberry milkshake and i stand up both if them look at me.

"Leaving already? Did i say something wrong?"senior junkai ask me and i shake my head.

"No you didn't... i just need to go... thank you again for the foods"i only said and leave them not reply to his call i know i am being rude to them for almost a months but there's a reason why i don't want to talk to anybody as much as i want i just go to my next class.


Time passed by finally the class is over and I immediately this place cause i know that senior junkai will be there AGAIN...

"YUAN!"as expected i sigh and just walk like running please don't...... but someone pulled my hands and i got tripped i almost fall so i close my eyes but i just feel warm and strong arm holding my waist so i open my eyes and saw senior junkai i look at his eyes for a minutes then blush.

"U-uh..."i only said and he move blushing too so he help me stand up and i stand up straight gosh how stupid of me.... i bowed to him.

"S-sorry..."i said and run luckily he didn't follow me so i sigh catching my breath hope no one sees that and i continue to walk all the way home...


walking alone all the way to university i was thinking if i gonna accept senior junkai and qianxi as my friends? I mean they have been hanging around me even though i was hiding from them all i just do is to be careful.... i was in my deep though that someone slung his arms to my shoulder making me startled and to alert so he tightly hold his arms was about to twist his arms but he shouted.

"HEY! WAIT! It's me! Wang Junkai!"he shouted and i stop i look at him his with qianxi trying hard not to laugh so i let go his arms and help him up.

"S-sorry.... you shouldn't to that"i said and he scratch his head.

"Sorry"he just and i just nod i continue to walk as i feel they followed me.

"Yuan i was waiting to ask this to you..."
I stop and look at them junkai his eyes are widen and stopping qianxi but qianxi ignore him.

"What?"i simply ask as junkai glared at to qianxi who really ignore him.

"Why are you always rejecting us? Why are you always rude to us? We are the one who's making friends with you"he ask me making me stunned to his question.

"There's always a reason... and i didn't to the both of you to be friends with me.. but im still glad.."i said making both of them blink at me.

"You're glad?"both of them ask and i nod continuing the walk i they walk beside me.

"Yeah... I'm glad that there's someone who didn't give up be my friends"i said

"Really?! So we're officially friends?!"
junkai said making me stop for a moment but i didn't stop walking should i say yes? Or no? They will never know right?

"Yes...."i said hope i didn't regret my decision i feel a warm and strong arms wrapped around me making me shock eyes widen.

"Omy gosh! I'm so happy!"senior junkai excitingly said and i just smile a little so this is the feeling to have a friends? Feel kinda warm he let go and we continue to walk until we arrived at school they walk to my building and i stop looking at them.

"Tell me.... why do you so eager to be my friends?"i ask them but they didn't spill the tea so i sigh and smile a little walking inside the building well... that's for people who didn't know me well....


So now.... i was not hoping that they will be here after i ask those harsh words i guess(?) i pack my things and stand up but someone hold my shoulder tightly and force me to sit i look up to see yang di.

"What do you want?"i ask him and he smirk patting my face slowly then it become harder then he stop when his satisfied.

"Tell me.... wang junkai is he you're friends now?"he ask me making me clench my fist and shake my head saying NO... I'm sorry guys... then he smile satisfied to my answer then he lick my cheeks before leaving the room i let my tears fall and wipes the saliva that yang di leave to my face that's why I don't want to be friends with them i am not strong to fight him.


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