Ch 3: Home

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Annebeth knew they were home even before she opened her eyes and doubled over (she wasn't used to shadow travel, it left her dazed and naseous). She knew by the smell of the strawberries, salty sea air and the camp fire roast that she was where she belonged.

'You okay, Annabeth?' Nico inquired

Percy offered her his hand. She took it and stood up straighter.

'Yeah. Just a little disoriented.' She replied

In a flash, they were surrounded by familiar demigod faces, enveloped in hugs and showered with pats on their backs.

Annabeth was filled with nostalgia and warmth. Jason, Leo, Will, Chiron, Calypso, Tyson - everyone was there to greet them. Even Clarisse seemed to be happy to see them.

'Okay, demigods. Give them some room! Let them rest, we shall all meet at night by the Campfire.' Chiron announced. The demigods eventually dispersed and only Jason remained.

'Whoa, Leo and Calypso, huh?. They seem really happy together.' Percy remarked. Annabeth couldn't help but pick up a small note of jealousy in his voice. Though he'd never given her specifics, she knew something had gone down between him and Calypso on that island. Maybe even things.

'Yeah and she's been a real help after the war, attending to everyone in the infirmary. She's pretty good at that stuff. Helped the Apollo kids a lot.' Jason replied

'Speaking of Apollo, Will and Nico seem to have gotten real close, huh?' Annabeth asked

'Oh, didn't you guys know? They're dating.'

That explains the yellow band Nico was wearing, Annabeth thought to herself.

But before Annabeth or Percy could react, Piper's voice cut through the conversation

'Discussing love lives without the daghter of Aphrodite?'

Woah. Annabeth knew always knew Piper was really pretty, being the daughter of Aphrodite and all, and she'd even been attracted to the girl before but at that moment, in her orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and tiny blue denim shorts, hair tied in a loose plait, braided with a bright blue harpy feather, she looked like the most beautiful thing Annebeth had ever laid eyes on.

Piper pulled Annabeth into a long, hard hug. Annabeth hugged her back, returning every ounce of Piper's affection.

'I've missed you.' Piper said when she pulled back, still holding Annabeth's hands in her own. Her eyes shone as she looked at Annabeth.

She tore her gaze from Annabeth, one-arm-hugged Percy and went to stand next to Jason. Annabeth felt an unexpected flash of jealousy when Jason wrapped an arm around her petite waist.

They chatted for a while till dusk made the sky turn grey and then decided to retire to their respective cabins for the night.

Annabeth had just started walking towards her cabin when Percy said,

'Annabeth, are you going to sleep there?'

'Um,' Annabeth thought about it for a second. She really wasn't in the mood to spend the night pressed up against Percy, 'Yeah. I am.'

'You sure you don't want to sleep in my cabin.. there's a lot more room.'

'Perce, I'm really tired and I want to spend some time with my siblings. Besides, the patrol harpies won't let us.'

'That never stopped you before.' Percy was genuinley confused. He didn't understand what he'd done wrong. He'd never known love to fizzle out.

Annabeth blushed at Percy's comment because she knew Piper - who was standing half a yard away - could probably hear them.

wait - why am I thinking about Piper again? She questioned herself.

'Look, Perce, I'll see you in the morning okay.' Her sharp reply caused Piper to look at her with a concerned look on her face.

Annabeth tuned on her heels, closed the cabin door behind her and leaned against it, as if to block everything out.

Than night, Annabeth couldn't help but think about Piper and the way she'd hugged her. She'd always thought Piper was great and had occasionally even been attracted to her, but this? This was different. This was intense.

Also, weird. Definitely weird.

Annabeth closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like if Piper was there right now. She imagined what it would be like to watch Piper take off that over sized t-shirt and maybe touch what lay beneath it - wait.

Gods, was I just fantasizing about Piper? She has a boyfriend for zeus's sake!

She forced her eyes shut and tried her best to sleep but she couldn't. After all these nights of sleeping with her limbs entangled in Percy's, she'd forgotten what it was like to sleep alone. And she didn't like it. Not one bit.


annnnd it begins!

shit ending, I know

the story's going super slow

so imma try to speed things up a little, next chapter onwards

leave me comments and tell me where/what I can improve

criticism is welcome

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