Chapter 15 - Gay Freak Out Moment

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Pov Bakugou
"Just tell him" I muttered to myself.
"Walk up to him and tell him. Before someone else finds out and beats you to it"
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening the door towards the 1-A dormitory. Kirishima had updated me on what happened when I was gone, like he always did. Jirou knew. The bitch fucking knew. I'm angry but I'm capable of controlling my anger. To some extend. I'm sure Kiri will be there to hold me back if I go overboard.

"Kacchan! You're back!" Deku smiled, running up to me and hugging me.
"You missed me that much nerd?" I asked confused. I was only gone for two days... He pulled back from the hug and kissed me on the lips for the whole common room to see. None the less I kissed back. Of course I did, I wasn't going to reject affection from him ever. He slowly pulled back and stared up at me with a soft smile.

"I really like you Kacchan"
"I like you too, nerd. Now let me go so I can unpack" I answered, motioning towards my bag.
"O-of course" he smiled, looking down a bit as he let go of me. Was he disappointed? I frowned, feeling at least a dozen eyes on me. I scowled, glaring at the people in the living room.
"What the hell are you extra's staring at huh?!"

I let a few explosions escape my palms before walking off with visible irritation. They better not act like this the whole goddamn time or they're gonna get blasted!
"Oh hi Bakubro! I was just on my way downstairs to-"
"Don't care, out of my way" I stated, shoving him away as I continued to my room.

"So you figured out a way to tell Izuku or what?" Kiri asked, crossing his arms. I stopped dead in my tracks, turning around to glare at him.
"Don't fucking rush me! I'm working on it" I hissed before my eyes widened. I had my first ultrasound this weekend and I actually really wanted to show him for some reason... I know it's a bit early for all that in a normal pregnancy but this ain't normal alright. Bakugou pregnancies don't last nine months, try six. Sometimes five.

It's why, before we met Dr Mills, almost all Bakugou men miscarried. But thanks to Mills and his personally adapted hormone therapy, we can now actually carry children. They just grow a lot slower than our normal cycle and are mostly born early, as was I. I spend my first month in the hospital to be monitored and tested. But then again, I was the first baby to go through the whole process. Since then some of my other distant family members have done it as well. I sighed, looking away from the red head in front of me.

"Tch, come here, I need to show you something" I muttered, turning around and walking to my room. Kirishima squealed, this would be the second time he entered my sacret domain. What a moron... I dropped my bag and searched for the image as he closed the door behind him.
"Here" I grunted, handing over the ultrasound. He gave me a confused glance before gasping at te picture at hand.

"Oh my God Bakubro is this-?!"
He covered his mouth, still staring at the image.
"Think Deku will get the hint if I show him that?" I asked, sitting down on my bed.
"I mean, I just have it with me to give to Recovery Girl so she can add it to my medical file"
"I don't know to be honest... Midoriya can be pretty dense" Kirishima shrugged, giving it back to me.

"But dude! That's, like, inside of you! An actual tiny human growing in your belly! That's so manly!"
"What the fuck is manly about being pregnant?" I asked, frowning.
"The fact you're a guy, duh" he grinned.
"Are you going to show that to Aizawa sensei too? I'm sure he would love to see it!"

"What makes you say that?" I asked confused.
"Well, he did ask you to keep him updated, right?" Kiri asked, tilting his head.
"And we both know he's a big softie!"
"I guess... Yeah, you're right, I think I'll show him" I said with a small smile.

"Great! But I really need to go downstairs now. Kaminari and I are going to have a small gay freak out moment about his date with Shinsou" Kiri grinned.
"Wait. A gay freak out moment without me?" I gasped a hand covering my chest for extra dramatic flair.
"I feel betrayed Eijirou"

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