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     Trigger warning: selfharm, abuse, cursing!!!

            You and Dallas have been together for quite some time now. Two years to be exact. It's quite shocking for a lot of people considering his background. Your name was (Y/N). You knew Dallas gets into more trouble than he should, but despite that you loved him all the same, you probably love him more than anyone else you had ever met. And despite all that love you had for him, you just couldn't ever bring yourself to tell him your deepest secret. What was that secret? You're cutting problem.

            You had been dealing with this underlying issue for a long time. You try to your best ability to stop, but with you juggling around issues with your father,work, school and trying to maintain a good relationship with Dally well, in your eyes it was the only solution to all your problems. You wanted to tell him, you wanted him so maybe he could comfort you and tell you everything would be ok, but you knew your boyfriend wasn't the most romantic or sympathetic guy. He didn't always tell you that he loved you or get all affectionate. And that's why you were afraid, afraid that if you told him about your selfharming, he would hate you and dump you right then and there. You didn't want that. Dally was really the only thing keeping you alive, besides the gang of course. So you decide to conceal it.

Of course Dally did catch a few little things through your relationship. One time he questioned you on why you were wearing a long sleeve shirt underneath the long sleeve leather jacket he had bought you for your birthday though it was summer or why you would wear a long sleeve shirt and nothing else in general. He had never see anything more than your soft, delicate hands peaking out of your sleeves. He also did on one occasion find anti-depressant pills in your cabinet and questioned you on them. You just told him a friend had left them their during a sleepover and forgot to bring them home, and he had bought it.

            As you got dressed in your baby blue diner dress along with your leather jacket and put your hair in a ponytail with a cute little baby blue bow,you slipped on your white sneakers. You opened your bedroom door and peaked around the corner. You sneaked up to your daddy's room and carefully opened the door, he wasn't there. You smiled slightly and you knew the coast was clear. You headed out the front door and headed to work. You worked at a cute little diner called Dingo, it was close to your house. It's not a far walk, just 15 mins. Sure you could have took your car, but you enjoyed the walk.

             As you entered the diner you put on that fake smile you've learned to master through the years and greeted your fellow co-workers. They all shared a warm genuine smile back to you. You started to clock in but your manager grabbed you by the shoulder. He was a bulky man with attitude. You always tried your best to stay on his good side so you could stay out of trouble with him and it works most of the time. But today was not one of those days. You decided to just give him the best smile you could conjure up.

          "Good morning Mr. Daniels. How are you doing today?" He huffed in response. "You're gonna have to work extra hours today." You just kept smiling and nooded. "No problem sir!" He grunted in response and went about his day. You sighed a breath of relief and finished up with clocking in. You just hoped today would go by fast.

            You only had about an hour left of work and you were exhausted, but you hid it and kept a smiling profile the whole night. It was now currently 8 o'clock and you whipped around when you heard the bell on the diner door ring. It was the gang stopping by for some grub. You walked over to me and greeted them all. They all said their hello's and they followed you down to a table. " My my, who's this cute little broad?" You gasped when you felt two hands wrapped around your waist and quickly went to punch but realized quickly it was none other than Dally. You smiled brightly and hugged him. And told him to get seated with the rest of the gang.

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