Calling All Writers.

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Clichés are a part of us.

She slipped on the cold cobblestone - but an arm slid around her waist and steadied her. Hot breath in her ear made her shiver. "Ginger... I want yo--"

Woah, woah, woah. Stop. If we keep reading, we might just hit that PG point where I have to mark the book "mature". 

As you might have recollected from last summer in "How to Get Your Book Discovered", I'd often talked about overused, dramatic moments and how they affect readers. 

However, this summer is different.

Our goal this summer: Put together a golden mine of the cliché-est and most overused scenarios in one scene. 

I'm pretty sure at this point you're already seeing various scenes that you classify "cliché" across all literature you've ever read. I'm not here to put an end to it - I'm here to publish your ideas and what you see as cliché! Every word you comment below, I'll weave into a story so all the chapters/short stories will be a compilation of comments and ideas from you

Calling all writers: I beg you to join me in this impossible task where we challenge ourselves to include at least 5 overused scenes into every chapter. I cannot do this myself. Yes, all of you. Even you sitting there with the glasses and a half-eaten bar of Snickers jammed in your face.

All writers - whether undiscovered or discovered will get to present their ideas, so people should take it as an opportunity to let their words shine:) (and of course they'll be credited)

Obviously, the sooner you comment or give me an idea, the sooner we'll do our little magic together and kaboom. I want to do this because I want ALL our talented Wattpadders to look at these clichés and be like, woah, childhood memories right there. Cringey af, but I'd die for them once. 

And honestly, also because I have nothing to do this summer and this amazing idea. (I flatter myself often. So it'd be real funny if I get no replies.)

Tag your amazing Wattpad writers to FORCE them to get involved in this fun xD 

(Or not... keep this fun to yourself...)

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