Welcome To True Cross Academy!

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[ I clearly remember that I said no disclaimer but this is just for fun ^_^

Listening to》Angel with a shotgun by Nightcore《 ]

Normal POV :

Lucy has left Fairy Tail and went to another realm with her brothers to control her powers which were inherited from her biological father, Satan.

But she also left for another painful reason she wishes to forget soon.

- - - - - - - [ An hour earlier~ ]- - - - - - - -

Lucy's POV :

I kept a straight and strong face as I was leaving the guild. But couldn't keep it in anymore once I was out the doors of the place I used to call 'home'.

I quickly ran to my apartment to cool off. I checked my right hand to see it was bare. I was no longer a part of Fairy Tail. * sob * I cried even more about the thought of it.

But I stood up, trying to be strong, well I AM strong, in a way that is. I summoned Virgo to pack my belongings as I knew I was going to be gone for a while. I took my luggage and informed the landlady I was going to leave and gave her my keys. She smiled and waved at me and said," Come back again" and I left.

- - - - - - - [ Present time ]- - - - - - - - - -

"To True Cross Academy! " Rin exclaimed.

"Uh, no I mean why are we here? Aren't we suppose to get on a train or something?"I questioned.

Me, Rin and Yukio were just standing in the middle of nowhere. I began to feel a bit impatient.

"No, Nee-san.  We have to wait for someone, just a little while longer"

* sigh * How much is a little while long-

My mind then stopped, I couldn't think about anything else except,  " What in the world is that!? "

I saw a bright neon pink limousine right in front of my eyes as if it came out of nowhere,  well of course it didn't.

Then an EXTREMELY weird man came out from it.

He had blueish and purplish hair and was wearing a white vest with loads of accessories, matching white boots, baggy pants with pink leggings and a hat bigger than his head just like Mad Hatter's hat except it was white and pink (of course -_- ). He held an umbrella that was topped with candies and had a cape. He might be the weirdest person I've seen yet.

He bowed to me and said," You are very welcomed to my academy, we are expecting a lot from you " with a grin. I couldn't believe he owned the academy!

We then went into the limousine to see it look so... pink. Me and my Nii-chans then sat down opposite the weird man.

" I never knew you guys had such a beautiful older sister! I would have never thought of you guys being blood related " he joked. ( I think...)

" What are you saying Mephisto? Are you insulting us!?" Rin Nee-san said.

"I'm not insulting you and Yukio but only you " he talked back.

" Why you..."

"Nii-san! You can't talk back to Mr.Faust!"

"Why not? He just talked back to me so why can't I do that too?"

"Nii-san, ...* sigh * never mind, you will find it hard to understand anyway" Yukio counter attacked Rin

" Why does everybody think I'm THAT dumb?"

" You've finally confessed Nii-san"

" Whaddya mean FINALLY?"

I giggled. They were too funny for me to NOT laugh.

"N-Nee-san just giggled! " Yukio said looking surprised.

"You mean laugh! Lucy-Nee was laughing not giggling! " Rin corrected him.

They started to attack each other with words ( Not foul words 'kay?! )

Their fight was so similiar to Gray and Nat-

I stopped. I didn't want to think about it anymore.

I need to forget about it.

"Nee-san?" Yukio asked me, he looked worried.

"What is so surprising about me giggling that you two have to fight about?" I told them jokingly.

" See, I'm correct "

" Fine, but you win only THIS time"

I giggled once more than sighed, Yukio was worried about me earlier, I REALLY need, no WANT to forget about the whole incident.

I turned around, facing the window, only to see a wondrful view of cities, houses... all mashed into one??? I- I have no idea what it was but the landscape was spectacular! I also saw a gigantic building in the middle which caught my eye.

"There's the academy Nee-san! "

Wait, did he meant THAT building! The academy is HUGE!!! Huge, huge, huge, huge, HUGE!!!

Before I stepped out from the limousine,  the 'Mephisto' guy gave me clothes which were neatly folded.

" Did you think I would let you wear home clothes? Here's your academy uniform. The changing rooms are over there!" [ I can't copy Mephisto's way of talking, it's just TOO weird!!! ]

He pointed to a big room at the corner. This was already expected.

I went there and got myself in the uniform.

It was beige, white and pink respectively.  The inner part of the clothes was white, like a normal school uniform, except there was a beige coat along with the school emblem and a pink collar matched with the pink skirt. The tie had red, black and white stripes.

" Hey Nee-san! Are you ready?! " Yukio called out to me as he was surrounded by girls.

" Yup! Where's Rin? " I asked while looking around for him.

" Right here!" an answer came from above as Rin landed safely.

" Let's go Lucy-Nee! " he then grinned.

" Okay!!! " I exclaimed and then three of us head into the inner part of True Cross Academy.

Yay! Finished finally...

Gomen, if it's too short, I think it is cause there's only one POV

Anyways, Arigato for reading this chap-py! I hope y'all like it!

Please vote, comment and follow!!!

If you like the song I listened to earlier, I can give y'all more suggestions!

Yosh, Bai!!!    》>_

Satan's Daughter [ Fairy Tail X Blue Exorcist Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now