Chapter 1

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"It's not that I don't love living with you guys," Emily says, sitting across the dinning room table from Griffin and Sam, all three still in their pajamas. "It's just that... well, I want to try living on my own. Or with someone else, at least. Somewhere with thicker walls, preferably."

Griffin blushes and ducks his head down slightly, knowing the small jab is meant directly for him.

"We're not going to stop you." Sam replies, the only one of the three friends who's a morning person. "And we'll help you find a place and move your stuff, of course."

"By we, Sam means himself. I can't lift a couch." Griffin says with a laugh, though none of the friends are unfit in any way.

Sam is the tallest, beefiest man Emily has ever met. He stands around 6'4", and could probably bench press a car if he really tried. And while Griffin has never been as large as Sam, he still stands around 6' tall, with enough muscles to lift Emily easily.

"You'll have to start paying your own rent if you move out." Griffin says, taking a sip of his coffee, grimacing at how bitter it tastes.

"It's worth it." Sam says, looking in the direction of a leather jacket that's draped over the back of the couch. None of them own a leather jacket.

Griffin clears his throat uncomfortably, "The walls aren't that thin."

"Yeah, they are." Emily says.

"Maybe you should start paying rent here, then." Griffin grumbles.

"I'll pay rent when you stop bringing random guys home." Sam says, finishing his coffee and stealing Griffin's mug.

"At least he's getting some." Emily laughs as Sam glares over the rim of Griffin's mug.

"That reminds me. Have you gotten a text back from 'tall, dark, and handsome'?" Sam says, turning back towards Griffin.

"I don't want to talk about it." 

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