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                               (Ellie's POV)
               We walk into the coffee shop.
"What are you getting?" I ask him. "Not to sure. Probably iced vanilla latte." "I'm gonna get the iced almond milk latte. I'm pretty basic when it comes to coffee." I say. We order our coffee and sit down. "So, you called me El today. Who told you my nickname?" I say. "No one, I haven't even heard anyone call you that. I just thought it was a cute little name for a cute little girl." He explains. "Shut up chase. Your very flirty, i just noticed that." "I do what makes the ladies happy. Escpecially for you." We talk and talk until we finish our drinks. "How much was it?" I ask. "It doesn't matter because I'm paying. He says. "No, I'm paying." "I call dibs on paying." "Ugh. I really do hate you pretty boy." "Call me that all you want." "I will." I say demandingly. Chase pays and we walk out the shop. He gets closer to me and intertwines his fingers into mine. I just look at him and smile. It wasn't a fake smile though, it usually is, but this time it was genuine. I've never actually fake smiled at chase. Maybe, just maybe, I can give him my trust. He just seems so, in love with me but we've only known each other for 2 days. It's crazy I actually put my trust into someone that quick. We walk back to the car and fasten our seatbelts. "Hey, chase?" "Yeah?" "Can I... trust you?" "Of course! Why?" "I have trust issues, but I need to tell you something you have to promise to not to tell anyone." "Ok, what is it?" "Well... Pays gonna ask out avani tomorrow." "YOUR KIDDING?!?!" He screams excitedly. "Nope!" "OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER I WANTED THEM TO DATE FOR SO LOOONG!" He drug out the o. "I KNOW RIGHT! But don't tell Pay I told you and don't tell anyone else, act like you don't know." "Deal. Now let's get back to the hotel and into that pool." Chase says. I nod and we drive off. It's 11 am and Anthony gets at the hotel at 7 pm. I'm pretty sure drayke and Elmo are going to go pick him up. Me and chase laugh and talk the whole car ride about nonsense.

                       We get into the hotel
          and in our rooms to change into our
swimsuits. "Hey el, we still need to talk missy." Payton startled me. "Omg you scared me, ok." "So uh, where'd you go with chase?" "A coffee shop." "Do you like him? Be honest with me." "Pay, I think I do. I really do think I like him and he gives me the most butterflies anyone has ever given me. He makes me laugh and smile constantly and I've only known him for 2 days but I already know he's the love of my life. But, I'm not completely sure if I can be stable in another relationship due to the last one. I mean I really do want to move on and be with him but I don't think I'm able to." I let out all my feelings to him. "El, I believe in you. I believe that you can move on and just be happy in your life from now on with or without a relationship. But honestly, I think you will be happier than you've ever been in a relationship. It does take time, I know but, he obviously likes you and you like him to. Your 16 and chase is 17, you guys are young, have fun. It's the happy years, make them happy." Payton says to me. "Thanks Pay, I appreciate it." And in that moment the door opened to reveal Chase. "Hey gorgeous." He tells me. "HUDSON! I told you about that!" I scream at him. "I don't play by the rules missy." "I hate you." "You love me." I stay silent. "I'm gonna get ready and put my bathing suit on." Your wearing a light blue tube bikini top and high waisted bikini bottoms.

                    I walk out of the bathroom
         and chase whistles at me. "I can't deal with you." I giggle. "Your gonna have to for the next, oh, week and 6 days and probably after that too? "Don't let me." "Oh I'll let you alright." He runs up to me and tickles me. "Ch- chase s-stop!" I fall to the ground laughing as he straddles my waist. "Nope!" He tells me tickling me further. "Tell me you'll deal with me or I won't stop." "N- no!" He kept tickling me. "Ok f-fine! I'll d-deal with you!" "Ok ok." He stops tickling me and stares at me. "You are absolutely beautiful El." He tells me and then leans down and kisses me. I wrap my hands around his neck not breaking the kiss and try to sit up. As I sit up, I pull away from him. We sit there for a moment just staring into each others ocean blue eyes before reconnecting our lips. We pulled away at the same time shortly after. The door opens a reveal a Payton. "Are you guys coming down to the pool? Sorry if I'm interrupting anything." "No, your not, we'll be down in a minute." Chase says for me. "Ok, see you later alligators." "After a while crocodile." I respond. Just like that Payton leaves the room. "Chase my legs hurt." I complain, but they didn't really hurt. "Want me to give you a piggy back ride there?" "Hell yeah!" I jump up in his back and he wraps his arms around my thighs. "To the pool!" He shouts. He opens the door and runs down the staircase. Dang, I really didn't think he was that strong.

(This part was really long sorry but I like it soooo)

To the Moon and Back ~ chase hudson Where stories live. Discover now