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You put your hand in front of your face as a beam of sunlight tries to blind you.

There isn't much more you can do, because your big, black sunglasses that you wear almost every day of the summer are still on the desk in your tiny room.

Although it isn't actully true to say that you wear them that often.

You just don't go out much.

Maybe that's why you forgot them.

You catch yourself drifting away in your messy thoughts once again.

But if you don't let your mind wonder somewhere far away from the present time and place you're in, you'll drown.

Something will get stuck in your lungs and no air will get throu-

"We're almost there!" a soft voice says from the driver's seat, "how are you feelin'?"

"I'm fine, mom," you say looking through the window with a frown on your face, "I - I just don't wanna go there anymore."

You can sense your mom's mood change as she lets out a sigh: "It's the same every freaking time, Y/N! Get yourself together and do something for once! Do you want to do this thing all over again?.."

She continued on and on about how you can never make up your mind blah blah blah, as if you didn't already know that.

There would be no point for you to intervene her lecture about how you should finally grow up and start taking things and people seriously, because she wouldn't listen, so you just sit in the backseat of this old, red Audi and try to imagine what it'll feel like to get out of the car in the humidly hot air with an insanely heavy backpack on and an even larger suitcase in your hands.

Will you make a good first impression?

Probably not, but you could at least try and get the most out of the time in this camp by going to all the lectures and workshops, if you don't manage to magically make a friend, not even talking about a summer fling that you've read so many novels about.

You're not that stupid.

There's a time and place for romance, but this camp is not that at all.

You need to improve your art skills here and not worry about anything else.

You don't need to lie to yourself, you'll probably fall for a tall, dark-haired stranger the minute you walk through the door.

The scenery behind the window starts to change from meadows to forests and your heart begins to race as you finally acknowledge the fact that you'll have to deal with a lot on your own for three weeks.

You've never been away from home for longer than three days in a row for the whole seventeen years of your life.

This will be something new.

You look at your mom to see if she still seems angry at you for you childish behaviour, but no.

She looks in the mirror above the car's front window and smiles as she sees you looking.

You smile back, because even if she may seem harsh sometimes, you know that she just wants what's best for you, and this time the best is to finally start being a little bit more independent.

You let out a sigh and throw you head back to rest on the seat as you close your eyes.

It'll be freaking long three weeks.

You feel the car stop, so you open your eyes realising that you've been asleep for approximately five minutes and in that time you've not only arrived, but it has also started raining heavily.


"Have fun, dear!" your mom says as you open the door, "And don't forget to call me from time to time! I want to know if everything's okay," she shouts as you take your bags from the luggage compartment.

"Bye, mom!" you say and shut the door with a loud bang.

Oops, mom won't be happy 'bout that.

The rain is still pouring down like crazy and you can feel your white shirt getting more wet with every second.

You go to the front door of the building with the word "OFFICE" written above the entrance.

You're about to open the door with your hand already on the handle, when someone is on the other side walking out of the so called "office".

They don't see you standing outside, so as they open the large door, you have to take a few steps back to not get hit.

"Oh.. sorry," says someone,  but you don't look up to see, who it is, because you sure as hell don't want them to notice the rain water falling from your hair as it ruins your mascara, instead you just go inside as the person leaves to go somewhere and frees space to let you in.

He smelled nice, you think as the boy runs to the building next-door.

As you stop looking through the glass door at the stranger that almost made you loose balance and fall just moments ago, a good looking man in his early twenties greets you: "Hello, my name is Kim Namjoon. I'll be your photography teacher," he smiles with a bit of white teeth showing through his big lips, "well, if you choose to take that course."

You bow and say: "I'm Y/N," with a little bit of red blush across your face as you remember that you must look just like a wet dog with eyes like the ones on a panda bear.

Maybe he hasn't noticed my ruined makeup, you think as the man says: "You can leave your bags here, I need you to sign some papers and then I'll get someone to show you the rooms," he touches the top oh his head, "I guess we'll have to leave the tour around camp grounds for later," Namjoon says looking out of the window as rain is making this calming pitter-patter noise.

He waves for you to come to a table near the entrance, so you do and notice another boy behind the table with glasses on the tip of his nose.

He pushes the glasses higher up his nose bridge with a long finger that has a big ring on it and looks up at you as Namjoon hands you a pen and two sheets of paper: "You have to sign it here.. a-and here," he says pointing at an identical rectangle on each page.

"You're kind of late," says the person sitting behind the desk with a laptop on his lap, "everyone else is already in their rooms," he smirks a little, "you don't have a chance to choose who you'll live with," the boy looks at one of the papers trying to read your name, "Y/N."

You stare at him with wide eyes.

Oh please, don't put me in a room with someone who might be a distraction!

Don't put me in a room with a boy!

"Don't scare her, Yoongi!" Namjoon puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "You can still techinically choose a room, but,  umm," he thinks for a moment before saying, "there is a free bed in the South house and one in the Green house. Well, in the first one you'll have to put up with three more people, but if you choose the second one there'll only be one person to bother you," he says laughing.

You smile a little and say: "The less people the better!"

"Finally someone who understands me!" says Yoongi holding out a hand, you lightly high-five it and smile brighter, still a little intimidated by the fact that it's so easy for them to communicate with a stranger.

That's their job, idiot, you think to yourself putting an imaginery palm to your forehead.

The door opens and Namjoon says to the person behind your back, who's just entered the small building: "Take her to your room, Jimin! I found you a new friend," a big smile on his face as he commands.

You take your backpack from the ground and turn around.


That's a distraction right there

Jimin smiles as he sees the surprised expression on your face: "Hey."

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