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"Wow, so their called webbing? How does that work with your DNA? There has to be some change right?" Shinsou questioned with wide eyes that held amazement. The two teenagers decided to meet up at the training area and walk to a nearby cat cafe to spend the day. Shinsou tried not to think about how it like it was a date, he was having a hard enough time trying not to blush every five minutes.

"I'm not quite sure how the webbing affects my DNA. I have to wait until the results get back, they did some blood work. The craziest thing was, before the doctors could wrap up the area they stuck the needle in, it was already healed! It turns out that my quirk has many different elements to it. However, since that's the case I have to make sure I take good care of my body. Or my quirk will have extremely bad backlashes," Midoriya explained to his friend.

"That must stuck, the only thing I have to worry about is headaches or blacking out. I guess in that sense I'm lucky," Shinsou joked to the green haired teen. Ever since he was little, Shinsou always found himself jealous of other people's quirks. The more powerful your quirk was, the more nicer people were to you. Having a powerful quirk was not all it seemed to be though. And for the first time in a long time, Shinsou felt grateful to have his quirk. The thought made him smile.

"I wouldn't call it luck, Shinsou. Your quirk is amazing as it is!" Midoriya grinned at the purple haired teen. Shinsou felt his face heat up and he quickly ducked his head to the side to avoid further embarrassment. "Ah, I'm sorry, did I say something weird? I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable," Midoriya apologized as he noticed how stiff the other's movements were after the comment.

"Um, no! It wasn't weird! Just, still not use to people liking my quirk," Shinsou stammered out. Not wanting his friend to feel that way. Midoriya could probably ever make him feel uncomfortable. Expect for when the webbing first came out of the teen's body, Shinsou was extremely uncomfortable for awhile after seeing that. But, that doesn't count.

"I'm glad," Midoriya grinned in relief. For awhile it felt like Shinsou was staring at the sun with how wide and sincere the smile was. The do blushed red and faced away from each other once they realized that they were staring at the other for a long time. "Um, so, er, you really like cat cafes?" Midoriya questioned coughing into his hand, trying to change the mood of the conversation.

"Ah, yeah," Shinsou hummed as he rubbed his neck with his hand, "It's relaxing, being around cats and stuff. That's just me though, heh. Sorry, that was probably weird," Shinsou snapped at himself for being so awkward around his crush. Wait...crush? What the fuck?

"It's not weird at all! It's kinda cute," Midoriya smiled lightly at the purple haired teen. His eyes got wide as the teen slowly realized just what he had said. "Wait! It's not bad! I didn't mean it in a bad way! Um, how do I say this? It's a nice thought. Being around cats and relaxing right? So it's not weird," Midoriya repeated with more joy in his tone.

"Right," Shinsou nodded dumbly with what the shorter teen had said. It was getting really hard to not think about this hang out as a date, with each passing moment. Shinsou bit his lip as he wactched Midoriya mutter about statics about cats. "Oh, here we are."

The two teenagers stopped in front of a small shop that had cat stickers plastered onto the windows with a cafe sign on the door. "Looks cute," Midoriya commented with an upbeat tone. The two headed in with Shinsou walking in front since he's been to the cafe before. Inside was even more cat theme than the outside. With cat shaped tables and chairs. And cat plushes on the front desk counter. Luckily the workers weren't wearing any cat related items. Only a dark colored uniform with the cafe name on the front of the shirt.

"Welcome! Do you want to order something before seeing the cats?" A worker questioned with a polite smile on their face. Midoriya glanced around and noticed that there was two more rooms connected to the cafe. "Ah, is this your first time?" The worker asked still smiling.

"Not for me, I'll show him how everything is. We'll like to order some drinks before going in," Shinsou said before Midoriya could say anything back to the cashier. The worker nodded and waited for the purple haired teen's order. "Uh, we'll both have chai tea, iced please. And can we get one hour in the cat room?"

"Of course! You can pay on your way out. Please show your friend how to enter the cat room and I'll have your drinks out in a bit!" The worker cheerfully said, leaving the two to their own devices.

Midoriya wordlessly began following his friend to one of the rooms that he saw before. "So just take your shoes off and put on some hand sanitizer. Sorry, I would've gotten something to snack on but, they won't let you in with food. Only drinks," Shinsou explained to his friend.

"Oh no, that's okay! I don't mind at all! We can get something to eat when we're done," Midoriya smiled as he followed Shinsou's instructions. After putting his shoes in a cubicle next to Shinsou's, the green haired teen followed his friend inside the cat room. Midoriya almost immediately saw how Shinsou's whole face lit up with masked happiness. The teen didn't know when he got good at reading the other's mood. But, it gave him a warm feeling inside because he was able to do so.

Shinsou took a seat on a beanbag chair with Midoriya taking a next on the floor next to him. "You can have an actual seat you know," Shinsou said to the green haired teen with an eyebrow raised.

Midoriya smiled nervously, "I want to be next you to." Shinsou's face bloomed in red and he buried his face into a cat's fur mumbling a, 'Do whatever you want'. Midoriya did so happily, while trying to distract himself from the ringing in his ears due to embarrassment. A few minutes of playing with the cats, their drinks came and the cafe worker left with a smile on their face once again.

"I can see why you like this place," Midoriya said as he let himself fall down onto his back on the floor. "It's nice," He smiled peacefully with his eyes closed. Shinsou watched as the teen breathed in quietly before exhaling. He looks so peaceful, Shinsou thought to himself as he held himself back from stroking his cheek. In that moment with his heart pounding, Shinsou realized just how beautiful Midoriya Izuku was.

Blushing, Shinsou stood up, "It's time to go!" He said a little bit too loud for the both of them.

"Already? That was fast," Midoriya commented, "Sorry if I fell asleep, we should come again soon though! You were right, a cat cafe is really relaxing!" While in reality, they had about ten more minutes left but, Shinsou didn't think he could handle being alone with Midoriya without weird thoughts coming to mind.

"Um, yeah! We should, maybe after the UA exam? We still have a lot of training to do before then. We're luckily that Dad gave us this day to relax," Shinsou replied with a tight smile on his face. The two paid and said their goodbye to the worker as they left the cat cafe.

Smiling Midoriya spoke up, "Should we get something to eat after all?" The duo were making their way to the train station where lots of fast food places were at. The thought of eating alone with Midoriya nearly gave Shinsou a heart attack. He wasn't ready for that!

"Um! My Dad is cooking something tonight, so I can't. It's usually my Pa that cooks, so when my Dad does, it's like a treat. Sorry, maybe next time?" Shinsou tried not to think about how Midoriya's frown upsetted his heart. It almost wanted to make him change his mind. Almost.

"I see, it's okay. There's next time, I guess I'll see you tomorrow? For training?" Midoriya asked with an almost hopeful tone to the question. Not trusting himself to say anything other than a love deceleration, Shinsou just nodded his head. The green haired teen beamed at his friend, "Great! I'll make sure to bring those snacks you like. See you tomorrow then!"

Shinsou watched as Midoriya left on the train and stood still for a few moments. "I should've gotten his number," He cursed himself for being stupid. What was that? Stop acting so creepy! Midoriya is just your friend! You guys will never be anything more than friends! He scolded himself. "But what if we could be more?" Shinsou whispered to himself. The thought brought a smile to his face as he called his Dad to pick him up. 

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