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Midoriya rolled over in his bed to face his bedroom door which has been opened and squinted at the person who interrupted his nap. Yesterday had taken a lot out of him. He wasn't ready to face any of his friends, much less Shinsou. Thankfully, it was just his mom checking in on him. "How are you doing sweetie? Feeling any better?" Inko questioned her son, as she knelt forwards to brush his hair away from his eyes so she could get a good look at her son.

The teen hummed and buried himself further into his blanket burrito, not wanting to speak. Inko sighed seeing how upset her son was. his first love was suppose to be happy! But she guessed that from now on, life won't be as simple. Her heart ached for her child. Wanting to help but not knowing how. She would've called Aizawa or Yamada for advice but, considering how things are now, it would be inappropriate. At least in her eyes. Not to mention that the family has been at the hospital in and out for days now.

The green haired teen waited until he heard the sigh come from his mom and his bedroom door close, before reaching over on his nightstand to check the notification on his phone. It was from the group chat asking if anyone wanted to tag along for some extra training before the festival. It sounded like a good idea to Midoriya, he doubted that Shinsou would come and it would help the teen keep his mind off of things.

With a sigh, Midoriya replied back and slowly got up to get ready. Might as well do something productive instead of feeling sorry for himself. He did that enough already without anything ground breaking happening around him. After pulling on a hoodie, Midoriya opened his bedroom door and left the comfort of his space. Surely being holed up in a small space like that isn't good for anyone. But what does he know? He's not an expert in heartbreak after all. Is this what the feeling is? Heartbreak? It hurt. A lot.

"Izuku? Honey, are you going somewhere?" Inko questioned her son as he lingered on the foyer to slip on his shoes. It looked like she didn't need to call anyone. It would be a bad time to do so regardless. With that family going through so much right now. I should go visit them in the hospital if Izuku is going out. I do need to get some things for dinner.

"Hmm, some of the other's are back at UA trying ti fit in some extra training time. Since if got approved by the teachers I don't see any set backs for a bit more practice. Besides, it'll take my mind off of everything." Izuku explained with an evened expression.

"I see," The green haired woman hummed, "Oh! Wait before you go!" She quickly ran into the kitchen to get something before coming back with a small bag in her hands. "Here," She held out the small grey bag out to her son, "It has some juice pouches and snacks on it for you. If you're going to train, have some breaks, yeah?" Inko smiled at the teenager with a worried expression. She was deeply worried about her son's mental health and his eating habits. When Izuku gets stress he doesn't really take care of his body correctly. This way at least he'll be snacking, which is something. Along with being somewhat hydrated.

Midoriya smiled gratefully at his mother, "Thank you." He finished getting his shoes on before taking the small lunch bag from his mom's hands and opening the front door to step out, "I'll be home before dinner. I'm off then."

Inko watched her son leave with a small smile resting on her lips. She was glad that her boy had such great friends to depend on. Whether or not they knew about the things her boy was going through, they thought to include him. The green haired women was happy that Izuku was getting out more and spending time with others. With a deep breath, Inko looked around, "Alright, time to get things together." If she were to go to the hospital and get back before Izuku, she would have to be fast.

"Heyo! You finally made it!" Kaminari grinned when he spotted the green haired male. It seemed like the training that spammed the group chat was actually an excuse to just hangout with the other's before the sports festival. Sure, swimming could help your endurance with certain things, but the size of the pool with the size of the class, didn't make sense. The pool was too small for everyone to get a proper workout in. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I really need to get out of this slump and get over myself. Shinsou isn't here, its a good chance to stop thinking about that kiss.

"Hey Kaminari. Everyone else is here too." Midoriya finally replied after his small breakdown he had in his head. While he was busy being negative about everything, his classmates seemed to be actually doing different types of training. I'm being too critical about everything. Must be spending too much time at Aizawa-sensei's house. The teen thought to himself as his shoulder's relaxed a little. This was a good chance to do so after all.

"Yeah! Ah, is Shinsou not with you?" The blond questioned, awkwardly rubbing a finger against his cheek. He looked nervous to even be asking that question. WHat did he want with Hitoshi?

"Shinsou? He's with his parents right now. Why?" Midoriya asked feeling confused. For some reason the feeling of dread pooled in his gut. Whenever someone asks about someone else, doesn't that mean something?

"Just wondering. Hey, this might sound a bit weird, but I figure it's the only way I can ask. Is, does Shinsou like anyone? Do you know?' Kaminari asked, looking anywhere but at Midoriya's face. If he did, the blond would've saw a number of expressions cross the green haired teen's face. Mainly hurt and confusion.

"Kaminari, do, do you like Shinsou? Like, romantically?" Izuku carefully questioned the other teen with a pounding heart trying to explode in his chest. Since when did this happen? Everyone is just getting crushes on everyone! I can't keep up with it. Not to mention, Kaminari likes Hitoshi. My Hitoshi, the one who's been my best friend for ages, the one who took my first kiss. And my first love.

"Yeah, kinda? All I know is that Shinsou is smoking hot and I would feel bad if I started to hit on him if he was already in a relationship." The blond awkwardly laughed. Kaminari isn't a bad guy. If I tell him that I like Shinsou like that, he'll back off. But, its not like Shinsou and I are dating. We kissed. And who knows what that kiss means to Shinsou?

"Um, well, Shinsou isn't in a romantic relationship. But he does have someone who he likes." Midoriya answered with uncertainty. Its not a complete lie. One would assume that if you kiss someone, you must hold at least an ounce of feelings for them. And this way if Shinsou does like Kaminari, it'll be covering every corner.

"He has someone that he likes, but his not dating anyone. Do you know who it is?" The blond questioned the shorter male. Midoriya shook his head no, not wanting to talk any further in this conversation. "Hmm, thanks dude! If he's not dating anyone that means I still have a chance! And since you don't know who he likes, it could be anyone right? Good enough for me! Thanks a bunch!" Kaminari said, patting the green haired male on the back before finally moving on to seemly go get something to drink.

With a slight sigh, Midoriya inched away from the blond as far as he could and reviewed the conversation in his head. He supposed it did make sense, the more people Shinsou met, the more likely someone was bound to develop a crush on him. Midoriya just wished that it was someone that he didn't know. As harsh as it sounds, the teen doesn't mind to crush the romantic hopes of a stranger. But when it was a friend, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Regardless of his own feelings.

"Hey Midoriya-chan, are you alright?" Tsu questioned, looking at her friend with a worried expression. Blinking, Izuku noticed that he placed himself by the edge of the swimming pool and was just staring at at the water for who knows how long. I'm such a weirdo. Tsu probably thinks that I'm going to dive right in head first and drown myself. "Do you want to learn how to learn how to swim? You can't right? Is that why you were staring so intensely at the water?" She questioned, tilting her head.

"What? Midoriya doesn't know how to swim? We have to teach him then!" Uraraka's voice cut into the conversation. The brunette took a hold of Izuku's wrist and pulled him towards a nearby changing station, "Go get dressed in swim wear and meet us by the pool, okay?" Uraraka ordered before leaving the teen to his own devices.

Midoriya puffed out a laugh as he started to get dressed into proper attire for some swim lessons. Even though everyone came for extra training, they still want to do something like this. Speaking of which, it looks like Ka-chan isn't here. I wonder if he has someone to depend on. Like how Shinsou is to me. The teen shook those thoughts out of his head and finished getting ready.

I hope they can actually teach me how to swim. I'm pretty useless in water after all.  

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